The sumi Commission : what we have, inevitably we have after bearing an empty illusion. It is no longer anything, however ridiculous, witty, praise and even unique. It is not created, but begotten. Burla. Appearance. Foam. (Anonymous)
Pygmalion living alone, and no wife, and had been long deprived of consortium. By then carved with admirable art a snowy ivory statue, and gave him a beauty like no real woman can have, and he loved his work. The face is that of a real girl, who would have thought that living and wanted to move, if not his modesty prevented him: so much the art is hidden by the work of art itself. Pygmalion admired her and rushes into his heart the fire that fictitious body. Many times close to the work their hands, the palpated to check if this is a body or is ivory, and is still not resolved to admit that it is ivory. He gives kisses and believes she's back and talks and takes it, and you feel your fingers touching oppress members, and fears that bruises he pressed meats, and it directs you caressing words as he leads the girls pleasing gifts, shells and pebbles and turned a thousand birds and flowers tones and lilies and colorful balls and tears fall from the tree of HelĂades, also adorning clothes members, puts jewels on his fingers, puts a collar over the neck of the ear hangs weightless pearls, Breast chains. Everything feels good, but no less beautiful is naked. The tendency in a bed of clothes stained by the shell of Sidon (purple), and his partner called the thalamus, and resting neck does stand in the middle of soft feathers, as if she was noticed.
had arrived the day of the feast of Venus, the most celebrated throughout Cyprus, and had fallen, hit in the snowy neck, cows with horns kind coated with gold, and frankincense was smoking, when Pygmalion, after making his offering, placed near the altar and timidly beginning: "If the gods can give all, I desire that my wife is ..." and not daring to say "the girl of ivory", said "like the girl of ivory." The golden Venus, who attended in person to their parties, he understood what it meant that prayer, and as omen your pro will, three times the flame lit up the air with the tip. When Pygmalion returned, goes in search of the image of his lover, and leaning over the bed gave him kisses, he thought he was warm, he came back his lips, and with his hands touched her breasts, the ivory, the be felt, softening and shedding of their rigidity yields to finger pressure and allowed to oppress, as Hymettus wax softens the sun, and molded thumb purchasing multiple conformations is altered, and it is the use the it useful. He is stunned and hesitate to rejoice and fear being the victim of an illusion, and meanwhile, inflamed love, again and again to play with his hands the object of his desires. It was a body! The veins beat palpated by the fingers. That's when the Paphos (Cyprus City) gave eloquent words with which you want to thank Venus, and pressed his lips lips so true, and she felt that he was kissing and blushed and shyly raising and directing eyes to him, he saw, while the sky, his lover. The wedding was attended by the goddess his work, and when nine times had joined the horns of the moon, forming the entire disc, she gave birth to Paphos, which has made the island its name. "
' Pygmalion saw these females live in the crime, and jaded
of the many services that gave the character
female nature, singles and private living wife, and many
years passed without a woman to sleep in his bed.
At that time happily with admirable art carved figure of a snowy
ivory and as beautiful as never
were women, and fell in love with that his work.
virgin was his true face, that you believed
she was alive and that only modesty prevented the move. Both
get your art that conceals art.
admires and lets in his heart the flame of a body fake.
often takes his hands testing the statue if
body or if it is ivory and ivory it refuses to believe it.
gives kisses and returned thinks, speaks and plays. "
female nature, singles and private living wife, and many
years passed without a woman to sleep in his bed.
At that time happily with admirable art carved figure of a snowy
ivory and as beautiful as never
were women, and fell in love with that his work.
virgin was his true face, that you believed
she was alive and that only modesty prevented the move. Both
get your art that conceals art.
admires and lets in his heart the flame of a body fake.
often takes his hands testing the statue if
body or if it is ivory and ivory it refuses to believe it.
gives kisses and returned thinks, speaks and plays. "
The myth of Pygmalion, of Semitic origin, appears in ancient times under different views. The first is covered by Virgil in Book I of The Aeneid in it, is king Pygmalion of Tyre, and brother of Dido. The second reference, more in keeping with the name and knowledge has been transmitted to this myth, it is Clement of Alexandria and appears in Protrepticus. Pygmalion In this work appears as a king of Cyprus who fell in love with an ivory statue representing a woman carved by himself. Also, the Latin poet Ovid, in his Metamorphoses tells the story of this character, that Pygmalion, King of Cyprus and a sculptor, had modeled a beautiful female figure that he loved her, calling her Galatea. The Nobel Prize in Literature George Bernard Shaw wrote in 1914 the play Pygmalion. In it, Professor Higgins, high-class specialist in phonetics, takes under its responsibility the education of Eliza Doolittle, a florist low-life, to teach him to speak properly. The play by Bernard Shaw was a great success and benefited from the boom hit in the first third of the twentieth century theater and film as mass entertainment. In this work would come his most famous film version in 1964, My Fair Lady, directed by George Cukor.
One of the meanings of the myth of Pygmalion, the creator loves his creation. As with all myth meanings are like the branches that start from the same trunk. In one image, the same idea, come a host of ideas that fill the field of consciousness.
addition, the Pygmalion myth is closely related to the archetypal Cinderella, "the young woman condemned to live despised and oppressed, but which is finally recognized his goodness," as "Cinderella is the literary expression of which is one of the basic premises of the patriarchal system: every woman has to seek self-fulfillment in marriage and in particular on the roles to which he intends it, which are but the dela motherhood and housework "(C . Fernández)
Publius Ovidius Naso : written Year 8 The Metamorphosis, a long poem in fifteen volumes containing several stories and legends about the theme of metamorphosis. The poem begins with the first major metamorphosis, the creation of the universe, and ends with the death and deification of Julius Caesar. Many of the stories show the relationship between mortals and gods, the consequences of obedience or disobedience, and subsequent reward or punishment in a final transformation. It is in this work where the themes in Ovid's earlier poetry, love and eroticism, are discussed in more depth in an attempt to explore the various human emotions, and where the narrative and descriptive talent the author shines more strongly than ever. The book has become almost a manual of Greek mythology.
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