The break with the Freudian model in advocating
influences cultural human development
Although it is generally considered that Alfred Adler was the initiator of the culturalist approach, in fact were Erich Fromm, Harry Stack Sullivan and Karen Horney who truly were established by the pioneers of this movement, whose central feature was the rejection of the theory drive (and its many derivatives) for socio-cultural determination in normal and pathological human development, as well as core aspects of female identity. These authors likewise led to the replacement of long-term psychotherapeutic approaches and liabilities of the Freudians with more short and active, in which the conflicts of today and the relationship with the patient became essential.
1. Freudian stage, which covers from 1917 to 1932 and developed in Europe, although an early work, The technique of psychoanalytic psychotherapy (Horney, 1917), begins to show some disagreements with the classic psychoanalytic model. In the writings on female psychology was also against the thesis of Freud, Abraham and Deutsch.
2. The takeoff of Freudianism, which extends from 1932 to 1941, the United States. The main ideas of this stage are in the neurotic personality of our time (Horney, 1937), where he gives the child's interactions with his mother and a socio-cultural influences central role in explaining human development in all its aspects, leaving aside the approach based on drive theory and the Oedipus complex.
1. Freudian stage, which covers from 1917 to 1932 and developed in Europe, although an early work, The technique of psychoanalytic psychotherapy (Horney, 1917), begins to show some disagreements with the classic psychoanalytic model. In the writings on female psychology was also against the thesis of Freud, Abraham and Deutsch.
2. The takeoff of Freudianism, which extends from 1932 to 1941, the United States. The main ideas of this stage are in the neurotic personality of our time (Horney, 1937), where he gives the child's interactions with his mother and a socio-cultural influences central role in explaining human development in all its aspects, leaving aside the approach based on drive theory and the Oedipus complex.
3. The establishment of their own doctrine, since 1942 in the United States, building a theory far removed from classical psychoanalysis, with influences of Goldstein with his notion of the organism, with its holistic Smuts, of Whitehead with his idea of \u200b\u200bprocess and Bertalanffy with its focus on systems, as well as anthropologists Kardiner, Linton and Margaret Mead. Works this stage are basic Our inner conflicts (1945), Neurosis and maturity (1950) and female psychology.
The neurotic personality of our time (Horney, 1937), became a real best-seller. In this work, clearly displayed their original ideas and new therapeutic approaches, focussing on all the drives on the cultural. In a sense, the neurotic personality of our time was a critique of culture and its Discontents Freud (1930), whose starting point was the patriarchal society and where it kept a pessimistic for the fate of humanity.
More specifically, to Horney's neurotic developments real estate would have the following conflict:
1. Give and receive affection.
2. Issues around self-assessment and self-promotion.
3. Suppression of basic aggressiveness or hostility, which would emerge the basic anxiety, which would affect the core of every neurosis, which has three major features: the helpless, irrationality and character flag that something is wrong within our self.
4. From this basic anxiety trying to escape through a wide variety of characterological defenses, among which are the rationalizations, denials, the drugged (drugs, travel, work, shopping), leaks, inhibitions, partial eclipses of the conflict, social isolation, the idealizations of self and exoactuaciones or actings-out.
More specifically, to Horney's neurotic developments real estate would have the following conflict:
1. Give and receive affection.
2. Issues around self-assessment and self-promotion.
3. Suppression of basic aggressiveness or hostility, which would emerge the basic anxiety, which would affect the core of every neurosis, which has three major features: the helpless, irrationality and character flag that something is wrong within our self.
4. From this basic anxiety trying to escape through a wide variety of characterological defenses, among which are the rationalizations, denials, the drugged (drugs, travel, work, shopping), leaks, inhibitions, partial eclipses of the conflict, social isolation, the idealizations of self and exoactuaciones or actings-out.
5. The therapeutic goal should be, well, to strive to raise self-esteem and self-control of the subject, avoiding the analysis interpretations that hurt your ego, because if this was done, she would call up the negative therapeutic reaction, Freud placed in the eternal return of the drive, another source of this reaction negative therapeutic activity would be the authoritative interpretation or critique, especially in the case of patients who had conflicts with issues that gravitate in the areas of need for power and the search for love (Horney, 1936).
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