By Eva Giberti
Why the insult out, " motherfucker" , involves the presence of a prostituted woman whose son would guarantee the existence of a maternal body sperm characterized as a sewer built thanks to male practices? A son desnacido by the player did not aspire to breed with this woman, and at the same time associated with the need for pleasure by paying sexual servitude.
The prostitute is considered necessary, but their breeding is used as insult to another man: Son of a bitch. Creature that comes from a place that by its existence becomes a whore in mother-woman violence in betting on a language, crude and paradoxical, that demonstrates the impossibility of dispensing with the woman who is always at the origin of the subject: mother, but is intended to deny the maternal condition by replacing the function whore.
The pact from psychoanalysis
Scheme In psychoanalysis, Freud refers to the covenant between the analyst propped up in the objective world and the ego of the psychotic. Fails the pact between the Self and the Other that the psychotic can not be set as Lacan would say. The premise Lacanian points to deal with the subject as two-letter, or a symbolic pact, "the exchange of symbols as we put each other over our different selves." The deepening of this regulation by means of symbolic exchange was born the notion of a symbolic order. It is sometimes conceived as a mediation that can overcome the "absolute rivalry with the other" by resorting to a third body located beyond the subject competitors. It is from this dual relationship to a triangular introduces a judge or arbitrator, and the creation of the contract.
pact in history
Let the dictionaries: "A solemn binding agreement made in nature by two or more parties, individuals, etc., in order to make or refrain from making a certain thing, a covenant. " Also: agreement, deal or an alliance between the same or equal authority. However, neither berith in Hebrew, meaning refers to a bond that can not easily break, "or diathéke (Hebrew and Greek words that the Bible uses, and which have been translated as" covenant ") mean that. The Bible is clear: God's covenant is a promise on his part and refers to more than a covenant with Noah, Abraham and others. Always comes from the divine, never humans, hence the focus on the idea of \u200b\u200bobedience from those who will assume it is a covenant God made with His people. This agreement entails reciprocal obligations and benefits. God expects obedience of the human being as a result of trust in Him and His word. The main purpose of the covenant is God's initiative to restore the relationship with humans, which had broken from the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Easy to associate the male belief about a basic right to be obeyed by the woman. Comes from his desire to be God.
The initial agreement is another one who founded the origins of societies and social systems: non-aggression pact that excludes all forms of violence in the relationship between the parties. Among the first communities and tribes. To circumvent the state of nature in which the law did not apply. Is returning to the violent male, a pre-agreed stages.
The evolution of societies led to the second point of agreement: to achieve agreements, excluding mutual use of force to resolve conflicts. These parties agree to resolve disagreements through negotiations that "lead to a compromise." This does not mean that it passes to a stage conflictual no alternative but to find other ways of understanding. The key lies in the prohibition of use of reciprocal violence to enforce their own reasons.
In the historical construction of subjectivity, gender woman was trapped in another kind of covenant, the covenant between men you took as booty, as the capital producing offspring.
was a social compact regarding property women, tribal covenant between men. The illusion of our society, transmitted by means of legislation, is that men and women there are contracts from equal rights. The story begins with the Social Contract Theories of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau arguing with Filmer, for whom the political right is derived from the paternal and monarchical law that God gave to Adam. Contractualism created new mechanisms of domination of women, the most obvious of these is the exclusion of several vital areas. These theorists seek to maintain all the structures of domination, and defend the division of society into social spaces. Hence the structures basic social who want to keep for the new company as the family or the public-private dichotomy, be transferred to the state of nature to return them to society and the legitimacy that its membership would provide the command of the male nature.
For the analysis of gender and violence that opposition public / private key, because Gender is moving in the public sphere. It is man or woman in sight. And it claims that violence against women remains in the private sphere, so that the state does not intervene.
"The contract? The
women should be subordinate to men, but in agreement. The origin of this consent can be seen in the modern idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage. The marriage contract is the sexual reproduction of the origins pact between men appropriating women. Was studied by Carole Pateman, who says that "public-private polarity can not be thought separately." The academic discourse privileges the public space, and then tells half the story: that of a hypothetical original covenant between free and equal there is a new social order, civil and political. At the beginning of the companies did not exist-not now-that equality between men and women. Gender men regulated the organization of these social contracts were supported by pretending to be on the sexual possession of women. Pateman emphasizes the need to explain how to set and maintain the private sphere within which the man has power over the rights of other family members, hence their efforts to tell the other half of the story: the story of the sexual contract as political difference. "
is the political form in the world enancada drive that offers and provides resources for violent responses and the desire for power, which regulates the violence characteristic of one gender over the other. The sexual contract creates a relationship subordination of women on men, so that when signing the social contract, women are excluded from it as individuals. Not only the violence, also prostitution, and trafficking in persons is the paradigm of such abuse of power.
The social contract is an agreement between the two sexes in the women agreed to their subject in exchange for "protection" of men.
The speech in the history of family violence
The speech is key because before the violence is physical, it appears, usually one that responds to the superposition named by Greimas veridiction contract and establishing in and by discourse. This contract is an implicit agreement between the two performers of the communication structure and is related to the degree of veridiction which gives the speech: "The communication of the truth lies in the exchange structure that serves as a base." (The accession of the listener, and get the arguments is the only authority able to legitimize the content of that contract veridiction, or accept the speech as true.) But it happens that one of the parties, women can not, not enough to argue or what argument does not appeal to the listener. We are close to Lacan when he said that the accuracy of a speech is not related to the referent-the male batterer, but that contract is supposed veridiction force in both settled in and the speech: "The truth has the structure of fiction."
The institution subordinate and oppress women is the family. The relevance of it is that recreates the conditions of social domination. This violence increases with the authority of the new women who have broken the sexual and the sexual contract regulating the birth according to their criteria on the one hand and the other through activities that successfully invade the sphere of family privacy considered broken today by the growing empowerment of women in different social classes.
In the social contract and agree explicit men freedoms and equality before the law. Instead, the contract of marriage for girls "agree together" their attachment to these men and their dominance over them.
Continue referring to gender and violence remains effective agitational and becomes advisable to incorporate the theories that include the revised action and speech which is translates into taking domestic violence seriously. It involves not tolerate legislative indifference or distraction of some judges, not the inertia which ought to include the subject from the earliest grades. "The theoretical framework" may be based on the theory of doing. "Derive" victims to psychological treatments when hospitals are overwhelmed is to recreate new encerronas. And assume that psychotherapy, without the transfer of empowerment to confront violent enough also means a perceptual distortion of the problem.
The review of the theoretical framework refers to the modification of the technical content / theorists who think or act in violence starting to evaluate our personal and moral position towards the subject.
And as the highest insult involving the son of a bitch hidden in operational semanticization discrimination and violent, the term domestic violence covers up the trap becomes effective daily violent to include the idea of \u200b\u200b"family", which is really traditional gender violence . The word "family" tends to neutralize the offense, associating it with a misunderstanding between a man and a woman united by family ties, and the word son moves on a male child prostitution violence embodies.
order to build a major insult violence semanticization is printed on the parent function that replaces the function of a bitch, denying the undeniable, place the original mother of the male is tax at source, and is a tributary of the creation of the whores. The mother who creates it, and it is he who creates prostitutes, using the wrong that bastard out of hand the mother leaving him as coming from a young woman who deserves the recognition male child. Transparent exercise of verbal violence against women who seek to classify a mother (son of) or as prostitutes, to the terror-inspiring to know that inevitably they and their children-those who bear his surname to be born of the body depend on fertility women, without distinctions between us. Violence can not escape that semantic registered in Language chromosomes where some insult created in the name of the father.
law (what law is this? From wanting to understand who read it) does not belong to the right or of psychoanalysis or of religions first emerged from the human relations between those who populated the planet.
The guy who hits the female victim knows the law into their family and legal authorities, knows that is infringing. His response "I can not stop once I started," how to get evidence that knowledge of the law becomes what can not be operated there. The law is known but does not operate. The failure of the operation is that no integration in the subject, which was not included as an operator of its contents.
The law does not operate as ineffective to change the subject to define himself as one who can not stop, the law stands as lacking suppressor mechanisms that institute as an operator of itself, hence the often repeated Some judges select LYRICS episodes as "mild" or serious injury, "and not violence. The violent act creates a scenario where the subject attacked the victim, and she hits her screams as the children look terrified. Greek tragedy is characterized both the parent trap whose characters are parents, children or relatives. And it always returns, because they never come out of that scene. Always developed on the same stage and with the same characters.
While there are points that can be changed, what remains is the violent impulse to the other. This one is a woman, hence the presence of the idea of \u200b\u200bgender and violence, because the male gender is presented as incapable of fasteners in accordance with the law. Is the relationship between injustice and the law when the initial agreement is broken.
Scheme In psychoanalysis, Freud refers to the covenant between the analyst propped up in the objective world and the ego of the psychotic. Fails the pact between the Self and the Other that the psychotic can not be set as Lacan would say. The premise Lacanian points to deal with the subject as two-letter, or a symbolic pact, "the exchange of symbols as we put each other over our different selves." The deepening of this regulation by means of symbolic exchange was born the notion of a symbolic order. It is sometimes conceived as a mediation that can overcome the "absolute rivalry with the other" by resorting to a third body located beyond the subject competitors. It is from this dual relationship to a triangular introduces a judge or arbitrator, and the creation of the contract.
pact in history
Let the dictionaries: "A solemn binding agreement made in nature by two or more parties, individuals, etc., in order to make or refrain from making a certain thing, a covenant. " Also: agreement, deal or an alliance between the same or equal authority. However, neither berith in Hebrew, meaning refers to a bond that can not easily break, "or diathéke (Hebrew and Greek words that the Bible uses, and which have been translated as" covenant ") mean that. The Bible is clear: God's covenant is a promise on his part and refers to more than a covenant with Noah, Abraham and others. Always comes from the divine, never humans, hence the focus on the idea of \u200b\u200bobedience from those who will assume it is a covenant God made with His people. This agreement entails reciprocal obligations and benefits. God expects obedience of the human being as a result of trust in Him and His word. The main purpose of the covenant is God's initiative to restore the relationship with humans, which had broken from the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Easy to associate the male belief about a basic right to be obeyed by the woman. Comes from his desire to be God.
The initial agreement is another one who founded the origins of societies and social systems: non-aggression pact that excludes all forms of violence in the relationship between the parties. Among the first communities and tribes. To circumvent the state of nature in which the law did not apply. Is returning to the violent male, a pre-agreed stages.
The evolution of societies led to the second point of agreement: to achieve agreements, excluding mutual use of force to resolve conflicts. These parties agree to resolve disagreements through negotiations that "lead to a compromise." This does not mean that it passes to a stage conflictual no alternative but to find other ways of understanding. The key lies in the prohibition of use of reciprocal violence to enforce their own reasons.
In the historical construction of subjectivity, gender woman was trapped in another kind of covenant, the covenant between men you took as booty, as the capital producing offspring.
was a social compact regarding property women, tribal covenant between men. The illusion of our society, transmitted by means of legislation, is that men and women there are contracts from equal rights. The story begins with the Social Contract Theories of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau arguing with Filmer, for whom the political right is derived from the paternal and monarchical law that God gave to Adam. Contractualism created new mechanisms of domination of women, the most obvious of these is the exclusion of several vital areas. These theorists seek to maintain all the structures of domination, and defend the division of society into social spaces. Hence the structures basic social who want to keep for the new company as the family or the public-private dichotomy, be transferred to the state of nature to return them to society and the legitimacy that its membership would provide the command of the male nature.
For the analysis of gender and violence that opposition public / private key, because Gender is moving in the public sphere. It is man or woman in sight. And it claims that violence against women remains in the private sphere, so that the state does not intervene.
"The contract? The
women should be subordinate to men, but in agreement. The origin of this consent can be seen in the modern idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage. The marriage contract is the sexual reproduction of the origins pact between men appropriating women. Was studied by Carole Pateman, who says that "public-private polarity can not be thought separately." The academic discourse privileges the public space, and then tells half the story: that of a hypothetical original covenant between free and equal there is a new social order, civil and political. At the beginning of the companies did not exist-not now-that equality between men and women. Gender men regulated the organization of these social contracts were supported by pretending to be on the sexual possession of women. Pateman emphasizes the need to explain how to set and maintain the private sphere within which the man has power over the rights of other family members, hence their efforts to tell the other half of the story: the story of the sexual contract as political difference. "
is the political form in the world enancada drive that offers and provides resources for violent responses and the desire for power, which regulates the violence characteristic of one gender over the other. The sexual contract creates a relationship subordination of women on men, so that when signing the social contract, women are excluded from it as individuals. Not only the violence, also prostitution, and trafficking in persons is the paradigm of such abuse of power.
The social contract is an agreement between the two sexes in the women agreed to their subject in exchange for "protection" of men.
The speech in the history of family violence
The speech is key because before the violence is physical, it appears, usually one that responds to the superposition named by Greimas veridiction contract and establishing in and by discourse. This contract is an implicit agreement between the two performers of the communication structure and is related to the degree of veridiction which gives the speech: "The communication of the truth lies in the exchange structure that serves as a base." (The accession of the listener, and get the arguments is the only authority able to legitimize the content of that contract veridiction, or accept the speech as true.) But it happens that one of the parties, women can not, not enough to argue or what argument does not appeal to the listener. We are close to Lacan when he said that the accuracy of a speech is not related to the referent-the male batterer, but that contract is supposed veridiction force in both settled in and the speech: "The truth has the structure of fiction."
The institution subordinate and oppress women is the family. The relevance of it is that recreates the conditions of social domination. This violence increases with the authority of the new women who have broken the sexual and the sexual contract regulating the birth according to their criteria on the one hand and the other through activities that successfully invade the sphere of family privacy considered broken today by the growing empowerment of women in different social classes.
In the social contract and agree explicit men freedoms and equality before the law. Instead, the contract of marriage for girls "agree together" their attachment to these men and their dominance over them.
Continue referring to gender and violence remains effective agitational and becomes advisable to incorporate the theories that include the revised action and speech which is translates into taking domestic violence seriously. It involves not tolerate legislative indifference or distraction of some judges, not the inertia which ought to include the subject from the earliest grades. "The theoretical framework" may be based on the theory of doing. "Derive" victims to psychological treatments when hospitals are overwhelmed is to recreate new encerronas. And assume that psychotherapy, without the transfer of empowerment to confront violent enough also means a perceptual distortion of the problem.
The review of the theoretical framework refers to the modification of the technical content / theorists who think or act in violence starting to evaluate our personal and moral position towards the subject.
And as the highest insult involving the son of a bitch hidden in operational semanticization discrimination and violent, the term domestic violence covers up the trap becomes effective daily violent to include the idea of \u200b\u200b"family", which is really traditional gender violence . The word "family" tends to neutralize the offense, associating it with a misunderstanding between a man and a woman united by family ties, and the word son moves on a male child prostitution violence embodies.
order to build a major insult violence semanticization is printed on the parent function that replaces the function of a bitch, denying the undeniable, place the original mother of the male is tax at source, and is a tributary of the creation of the whores. The mother who creates it, and it is he who creates prostitutes, using the wrong that bastard out of hand the mother leaving him as coming from a young woman who deserves the recognition male child. Transparent exercise of verbal violence against women who seek to classify a mother (son of) or as prostitutes, to the terror-inspiring to know that inevitably they and their children-those who bear his surname to be born of the body depend on fertility women, without distinctions between us. Violence can not escape that semantic registered in Language chromosomes where some insult created in the name of the father.
law (what law is this? From wanting to understand who read it) does not belong to the right or of psychoanalysis or of religions first emerged from the human relations between those who populated the planet.
The guy who hits the female victim knows the law into their family and legal authorities, knows that is infringing. His response "I can not stop once I started," how to get evidence that knowledge of the law becomes what can not be operated there. The law is known but does not operate. The failure of the operation is that no integration in the subject, which was not included as an operator of its contents.
The law does not operate as ineffective to change the subject to define himself as one who can not stop, the law stands as lacking suppressor mechanisms that institute as an operator of itself, hence the often repeated Some judges select LYRICS episodes as "mild" or serious injury, "and not violence. The violent act creates a scenario where the subject attacked the victim, and she hits her screams as the children look terrified. Greek tragedy is characterized both the parent trap whose characters are parents, children or relatives. And it always returns, because they never come out of that scene. Always developed on the same stage and with the same characters.
While there are points that can be changed, what remains is the violent impulse to the other. This one is a woman, hence the presence of the idea of \u200b\u200bgender and violence, because the male gender is presented as incapable of fasteners in accordance with the law. Is the relationship between injustice and the law when the initial agreement is broken.
NOTE FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR'S BLOG: The text of Eva Giberti, is essential because it is a complaint, a protest and a need to reverse a scourge, a cultural legacy inherited evil, which leads us to reflect deeply on the roots, the foundations of the insult and the issue of aggression and violence against women. This is an important and valid interpretation but restricted.
However, in Argentina the use of this insult does not necessarily mean a blatant allusion to a condition of someone's mother, is more childish and bland, as would be a slang term, a simple social degradation of language. .

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