Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Wanna Buy A 427 Silverado Ss

girlfriends ...

just impossible

For both feel mutual profound love

And with that I won the biggest thing
In this world
We love

we kissed
Like a couple
We desire and sometimes even without reason and
no reason, get angry


girlfriends. We have a deep understanding of each other. We feel confident, security in our relationship. And there will
von E. making a plane reservation.

- The other passenger is efe-hache-ia-eme a *
("My name Fhiama? - I asked surprised and put face bucket)
- Es .. "Argentina? (Looking)
(Will I be Sudanese and I learned?)
"The identity card is ... (Can not remember and runs off to read it in its agenda)
(My face single-woman and was looking to rent balconies)
- and cell phone contact is April 15 ...
(Confirmed, not remember my phone!)

Over this small but real sampling of what I'm alone in this world is about to embrace me with the excuse of "I am very scattered by the tremendous tiredness I feel ..."
Well, ye did me a medal record steel my identity data on one side and hers on the other. You never know.

* Here in the original conversation appeared a curious error in the spelling of my name.


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