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"Do not cut the flower might end with the spring"

cecilia of Vicente's daughter, Azucena Villaflor, founder of mothers in the trial by the ESMA

"Dad died of grief, hoping to"

"Cecilia was later a part of the story of his mother, the which began on November 30, 1976 with the kidnapping of his brother Nestor. A task group kidnapped him at home. Arrived and waited because it was only his wife. They took the two after beating them, and they were still alive. Nestor used to call every day or visit Azucena. That day he did not. "My mom began to worry." A neighbor told them, a little did the owner of the place they were renting, "My mom from that moment began to be tearful and sad, but despite that did everything began go to police stations, hospitals, managed to get a lawyer to sign a petition for habeas corpus: the life of my mother has changed, its activity began to be going where they said they would have something new. "
For the month of April saw a group of mothers and people in the Military Vicariate. Marcos Zucker was very sad. "And my mom said publicly that he should be in the Plaza de Mayo, which was where Videla had to introduce a request to be told what was happening with each of the children."
As a date not deleted or changed, Cecilia repeated the date of April 30th was a Saturday, he said, fourteen women gathered in the Plaza de Mayo. "There will realize that a Saturday no sense, which should be a weekday, one mother said Friday, not because Halloween was and from there was introduced Thursday: Thursdays are installed in the Plaza de Mayo. "

Cecilia went to high school. In the square there was more and more mothers. Once, she met some at home. Among them, María del Rosario Cerruti and Nora Cortinas, chatting and preparing activities.
"Until that time my mother was a housewife who looked after her children and husband. Always prepared the midday meal, or baiting to kill you found the evening and helping with homework and school, but from that time to noon I left the food prepared and went to have their activity. Iban many churches to speak, I remember Novak in Quilmes. "
Around October, at St Nicholas of Bari, he was introduced to Gustavo Alfredo Astiz and Child. "He says he had a missing twin brother, whose name was Horace and his mother could not come to Buenos Aires because it was very sick." From there, "Astiz infiltrated the mothers, love wins because it has more or less Nestor's age and the children of mothers, caring, told him not to expose himself, that men had better not go, that it was better to be a mother, that mothers are not going to happen. "
As long ago told Maria del Rosario Cerruti, one day, while preparing an activity, Astiz had nowhere to stay overnight. "My mom says my dad if she could stay at home because the activity was early the next day." Carmelo said no. No way. Azucena was in and out of the house, but that the house had a teenage daughter, who could not be any males. Cecilia
not know if it was better or worse. Worse, because if he had stayed Astiz could now recognize. But on the other side believes that this was the best: "Having slept with a torturer in the home must be terrible. "

In October 1977 a group of mothers fell into an ambush. The boarded buses and took them to a police detention. Asked them one by one who they were and what they were doing. All said they were searching for missing children. Meanwhile, a mother told the family. Carmelo went to find Ashley and began to tell him he had to look. "My mom signed everything with your name, put the address of my house, my dad told him that he cared that he had other children besides Nestor, but she said no, I had to search for Nestor and know what had happened to him. "
December 8 is an operation in the Church of Santa Cruz in which Alice Domon kidnap but also two of the mothers, Esther Careaga and Maria Ponce de Bianco. The 10 was going to be applied for the first list of names and ID number of people looking. Azucena said nothing in his house: "Friday was a busy day, the evening was with my aunt priming mate, about eight in the evening was Aida Sarti and started talking to my mom." Azucena and Cecilia accompanied her then at the corner of Mitre. "The face of my mother was not the same, his eyes were more coming out, worried face, watery eyes, I waited ten at night because a novel began to migrate, and say, 'Mom. what's wrong, you're funny? '. " "What happens," Azucena said, "is that it took a group of mothers of the Church of Santa Cruz but I do not know how to tell your father. In the morning when you wake up to cebarle mate before going to work, you tell him, "said his daughter. The next day, his father went to work, Ashley went to buy a newspaper with the requested bills purchased and returned home. Knocked on the door of Cecilia's room, "I said, 'Baby. What do you want eat?, "meat or fish?". I said fish, and she said: 'What luck, so I'll buy another copy of the newspaper came out blurry because it'. "
Azucena kidnapped as he crossed the street Mitre. A group of two cars and eight men locked. He tried to resist. A group of 98 tried to stop the line to see what happened, but pointing it ordered him to continue long. The lady who helped in the house woke Cecilia saying they had "raised" to the mother. She did not understand that was what was up, thought about moving in and out to Mitre for a crash. And Elvis said: "It led to your mom and your brother. "

Carmelo died before the return of democracy. He never knew what happened to Ashley. Maria del Rosario visited them on Saturday afternoon, I had joined Carmelo news and Thursdays at Mother's rounds. "I could not endure life without my mother," said Cecilia, "thought every day would come, that they had taken to give a shock because I had no militancy rather than seeking to know what had happened to their children, so they die of sadness. "It was common to find in the afternoons sitting in the doorway, looking at Mitre Avenue, crying and waiting for Ashley to return.
come and go in this trial, someone asked Cecilia little more about her mother. He said "sorry for asking, but how was your mother?" He was a lawyer for the lawsuit. Cecilia told how in the neighborhood organized the neighbors to get things like natural gas or when it disappeared Néstor up signatures from neighbors to help him say he was a young worker, good neighbor and solidarity. "I think so, that what he did by Nestor would have done for others: to take up arms was a woman, it was not going to be quiet."

by Alejandra Dandan
Source: Journal
Página/12 26/11/2010


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