Monday, March 7, 2011

Power Catamaran Trawler


You were not blond
as you portrayed for centuries
insolent rulers.
came not to distract the loneliness of no Mr.
but to drink until the end of your own loneliness. No
exceed threw you in paradise.
the contrary, from the torrid inferno where we live
your gods
plots with their promised paradise,
beacon for your failures.

No exceed condemn you to obedience. That
be responsible, over time, children who gave birth
. Nobody
graciously reached fruits

he found your patience and your courage.
As well the home,
the solid, or vulnerable
estate, where
between men erratic

reach you at the moment of pleasure, free, fierce,
in the ratio of large and small

pains to endure with dignity.
A dark skinned woman
overwhelmed by their offspring,
as the crowd of women who are now weary roads

the banks of the world.

She was our mother, our home
, beautiful and terrible.

Marta Vasallo
Martin Vassallo was born in Buenos Aires. She graduated in Arts and has served successively or simultaneously teaching, translation and journalism. "Eva" is from his book partial Eclipse of 1999.

According to a Time magazine article June 1987, archaeologists at the time considered the oldest human skeleton known was the skeleton of "Lucy "found in East Africa, with indications that " and gave birth in a human manner "


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