Title: 13 Balas
Author: David Wellington
Publisher: Minotaur
Release Date: 19/01/2010
No. of pages: 300
Series: 1 Vampire Tales
In one of my last visits to the library crossed my novel way.
had read some reviews by the bloggosfera that left him in a very good place so I decided to take him home.
After taking just a few pages read Balas knew that 13 would be a very bloody and brutal novel. The author is not a hair short of detailing each slaughter to comment vampires and verse, and at some time or another ... the feeling is very unpleasant.
The story itself seemed to me more of the same, the only thing outstanding is the author's style, however halfway through the book I began to do very heavy and slow, all the time going around about the same situations. I was hoping that once finished 300 pages even though I do not think an extension too large.
The novel is classified as of Terror, and if they say something but I will not give me no fear, as I said some unpleasant scenes but there is a big fear distance.
After finish I can say that the novel is good to hang out but I have been a marvel. As I am weak I will continue reading the series to see continued.
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