Title: Heat Wave
Author: Richard Castle
Publisher: Suma de Letras
Release Date: October 2010
Series: 1 Nikki Heat
A property tycoon in New York state collapses and dies in one of the city sidewalks. A wife vase with a dark past miraculously survived after escaping a blatant attack. Gangsters and men of power with reason to kill their alibis recite it from memory. It is then, amid a stifling heat wave, when another murder takes place and begins a tense journey through the small, dark secrets of the rich. Secrets that turn out to be fatal. Secrets that are hidden in the shadows until a detective from the Police Department of New York sheds some light on them.
(The book I read it in October 2010, so that you see I'm well behind with the reviews. )
heat wave is the first novel within membership Nikki Heat series.
I guess you know that most of these books have to do with the series called Four issues Castle.
The fact is that when the novel came out I had no idea even existed that series but the plot and the good reviews did read it.
The book has delighted me, pull me read it and enjoy as a dwarf with. Despite revolve around murders and police issues the novel I was hooked from the start.
Its main characters are wonderful. Heat Nikki reminded me very much Eve Dallas star of the series "... to Death "by JD Robb, a character whom I adore ... A police hard, serious, committed to their work and away from all theme of love with a troubled past filled with pain.
In Rook met a journalist flirty, teasing and seductive, who is willing to do anything to win over Nikki. Guilty more than once crept into a smile to my lips, it is clear that the fund is an endearing character.
The children are not left behind especially with Nikki coworkers Heat. certainly strong point of the novel is the dialogue, funny, daring and resourceful.
After reading the novel and could not be otherwise wanted to watch the series and I liked that in a few days I saw the three seasons so far been issued in Spain.
I can only say that I consider myself an absolute fan of the books and series, I love the characters Castle and Thomas (series) I especially love Nikki Hit and Rook.
certainly keep reading the series, incidentally, the second book Heat naked published this February.
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