Friday, February 25, 2011

Moody Tired Peeing Alot

From the Moon to Earth in less than 15 words in solfa

Nine of the night, supermarket, day off in the middle of the week. I have a secret pact with the shopping cart, I push and he holds me (almost a prophetic image of my future octogenarian). My overwhelming fatigue contrasts with Miss Fiamma. List in hand, walks the aisles, back and forth, select the necessary items, achieved with a tin of tomatoes break the top shelf, a field goal in the bundle of spinach cart. Just to see her in this frenzy, I'm almost giddy.

Miss F: "Do you want to relocate some saccotinos ?"
Me: "What?" ("Zoquetitos said?)
Miss F:" Oh, my love. I'm on fire and you with that face of Pigs in Space! "


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