Love is a bay. Criteriosasy metaphors are often taken this accident (the Geographically, no love) and imitation of calm, delivery, comfort ... When thinking of a bay, I will never head Benedetti verses of "Much more serious." I quote a bit, find the complete poem, who accompanied me throughout my teens, because it is precious. (...)
because thanks to you I discovered / (say it was time and rightly so) / that love is a beautiful and generous bay / that illuminates and darkens / as life comes / a bay where ships come and go / reach with birds and omens / and go with sirens and clouds / a nice and generous bay / where ships come and go / but you / please / not go .
And so I said to von E that calm tender arms (oh, my love) was the Bay of peace in which I immersed myself every night ... And so I was very pleased to have things clear between love and the calm waters of the bay, thinking it was high literature. So I checked in the flesh.
Despite the Dramamine in industrial parts, vomited, I trembled and sweat along the way from almost whoooole Morro to return to Salvador. There was no forum for the passenger without noticing, and my host almost begged me to opt for the plane (and I told him the incident of the three bags on the plane of Nasca . Why?). The thing is that I went horribly wrong for two hours until something magically stabilized in my inner ear, we were entering the Bay of All Saints! Those same saints who had given me throughout the entire trip to avoid falling overboard in the middle of my patatús. And so I wiped the last drops of sweat ran down my ice cream back (37 in the shade and little wind), successfully swallowed a few drops of warm mineral water from the bottle to which was seized as a castaway, combed my hair a bit and I sat down in my place, where it had been m backpack and my life expectancy. During that half hour that remained, I recomposed, breathed deeply and turned to me wanting to repeat the stay on the island. The Bay had calmed the waters for me and gave me a beautiful sunset. In gratitude, I crawled to the camera in hand. Go
my offering to the deity of the calm waters.
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