Title: Sorry
Author: Zoran Drvenjar
Publisher: Metro Books
Label: Seix Barral
Publication Date: January 13, 2011
Number of pages: 432
PVP: 20 €
After some time four friends have been very different lives are in Berlin. I suddenly have an idea: start a company that is dedicated to apologize for others.
Chiefs fired their employees, who played tricks on other companies ... proud men unable to say the word Sorry.
The company is very successful and the four opens a promising future but everything changes with your next assignment then ... How apologizes to a body of his murderer?
After nearly a week of reader apathy took several days devouring everything crazy crook book at home. The latest victim has been this, Sorry . Between that recently I read some thrillers ( Island bird hunters) and I wanted more and that is a library and have your delivery time I decided it was his turn.
The first thing you find when you open the novel is that its author, Zoran Drvenkar won Friedrich Glauser Preis 2010 for best crime novel in three countries: Germany, Switzerland and Austria. I paint very well.
The first few pages left me literally throws powder and if I have to define say that are brutal, violent and not suitable for sensitive stomachs. The novel could not start strong and it is from this moment where I began my voracious reading of these four pages.

not a hair short of detailing the crimes and agony of the victims and the four young people who are involved in this nightmare.
One of the things I liked is that the novel has many twists and the author gets you into a psychological game in which the novel you're wondering why Why? What's behind all this? Who is to blame? while they do the four protagonists.
I'm used to read horror and suspense novels but certainly not expecting anything like that. I think the author totally un detective novels and created his own style.
The novel as I said I found it addictive, impossible to drop but in time I would have loved to take a break. Is violent and sometimes very strong but I liked it.
I leave you with what the press say about the novel and the trailer:
"Sorry is follows from the monotony of the production of gender and constructs a plot that takes the reader guessing until the last page, "Der Spiegel
" Ideal for reading in one sitting. Either way were going no be able to sleep! " - Ulrich Dombrowsky, bookstore Dombrowsky, in Regensburg.
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