Thursday, September 23, 2010

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the car to the garage to make some checks. Testosterone-laden field, if any. The mechanic is a simple man dedicated to his craft, a little shy and charming. My car is on the platform and it is reviewing Mr. Charming.

Mr. Banana makes his entrance, pushing a bicycle vintage . The epitome of cool .

Mr. Banana: "Here is air? I got a flat tire and would like to put a little air, if only to get to my house."
Mr. Lovely: "Yes, of course. There is hose. Need some help? ".
Mr. Banana (obviously do not need help, if the guy is a crack all):" We ".

(Oops, this promises. I settle in my seat and crossed my legs.)

Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac, ten minutes later ...

Mr. Banana: "Well, you put it. What do I do? "(You dance the dance of fire and then tell your mom, sure you clap)
Mr. Charming," now triggers. Want to do me? "
Mr. Banana:" No, all right. "

(How I regret not having a camcorder with me)

Noise to trigger pump. Chicky, chicky, chicky ...

Mr. Lovely, "popping the camera? "
Mr. Banana:" I do not think. I do not know what happened. "(From which popping the camera, ask YOU)
Mr. Lovely: "But a little air had to put just."
Mr. Banana: "Yes, just put him."

Of course, I laughed. On the contrary. I could imagine in the not too distant past the face of shock and surprise of the mother of Mr. Banana when, after hearing a tremendous explosion, ran to his son's room and found him on all fours picking up the remnants of rubber a bizarre inflatable doll.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lettered Rows Rose Garden

Peripecias in F

Among many famas-plaintiffs because a group neophyte tourists had grabbed the elevator and some other hope, that traced the stairs tripping over the laces of his shoes, two smiling cronopios rose five stories to the circle of the Crown Theatre.

Several ushers
-which, as is well known, are all hope-papaban flies in the hallway, with that sheepish expression so typical of the ushers and hopes.

A crazy grupete of the race went famas with the binoculars bouncing off his chest. The lowest and also had a score plump.

Cronopios watched the scene was all fun and party, dance and catala for them. Wrinkled coat expectancy accompanied them to their seats. Horrible location, right on the side, could not see the stage. Cronopios settled down with your feet together and held hands. He was filled with joy and commented about how beautiful dome was the spider.

began the concert and cronopios, very quiet, opened wide the ears and soul to listen to all the best.

notes rose in the air like soap bubbles. Some were suspended Weird, about a nymph. Other advanced to the dome and then crossed, as if by magic. The more timid roamed the aisles of the auditorium and then hiding under a seat, where they died almost imperceptibly.

There were other notes to be scrubbed ne of the conveniences and bounced in a box to another, resulting Olympics Casserole jumps to the Gallery, zigzagging at full speed for Paradise, until the vacuum dropped again, with outstretched wings like butterflies.

One of those notes and landed on its head more cronopio little, without his noticing. The other cronopio took a round mirror from her purse and held it in front of your partner. The cronopio perched himself was crowned by an F-sharp minor.

enormísima Joy of cronopio.

* * * * *


Last night we attended the concert Karin Lechner and Sergio Tiempo at the Teatro Colon. Performed works for two pianos Lutoslawsky, Milhaud, Infante, Debussy and Ravel.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bosch Dishwasher Resets Cycle

Dialgo granted (the standing are unprintable)

Dialogue 1: The auto

VE: I just got an email from the Facu. They are collecting signatures for a letter of apology to Prof. Dr. Equis. (I have spoken repeatedly of Prof. Dr. Equis. Miss Fiamma know my devotion and fanaticism for the academic in question).
MF: What happened?
VE: mess was put together by an administrative issue. "You you believe it? It's a shame! (Riding more and more of a mélange of anger and indignation, while my attention was divided between the traffic and conversation). It's outrageous! And I signed, of course. And I said to adhere to the more forceful than the letter of apology, because Prof. Dr. Equis is a person excellent, and I studied with her more materials and seminars, and also for his excellence as person and his generosity as person y. ..
MF: (mockingly and dragging the 'r'): Because the teacher is a person! Hic! And as a person is a person of integrity and excellent! Long live the Doctor, hic!

Dialogue 2: in bed

MF: Should we Sushi for dinner?
VE: Dale.
MF: (reading the menu in Internet) Do you think either the combo 3 "Everything Salmon?
VE: How much?
MF: $ $ $.
VE: What brings many pieces?
MF: 18.
VE: What do we do with 18 pieces, my love?
MF: I thought we could eat some sushi and a little overwhelmed matambre home is in the refrigerator.
VE: Sushi with flank steak? That sucks. "Why do not fries spaghetti dinner?
MF: Tarada. They also come 40 pieces. Here is another combo. It's new. It costs the same as "Everything salmon, but this brings half salmon and tuna half.
VE: What we will ask only because it is new? It has fewer salmon and cost the same. (Mockingly) Hey, sushi delivery? Yes, I would like a combo of 40 pieces. Is there something new? Fantastic. Please send me combo "All Paty (*)". Thanks.

(*) Paty: economic famous local brand of burgers made with beef / res.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

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MAX HENRY PURCELL Dido's Lament (aria)

Men Giving Women Wegdies

THE TWO VOICES: autonomy and vulnerability / SUBJECT IN BIOETHICS

In the tradition of Western practical philosophy, ethics, dealt with the basics of good human action, standard, value, freedom, duty, responsibility, fairness. But discussions resonance caused by events world as the Holocaust or the Vietnam War, the role of women's movements and other social movements defending the rights of minorities, awareness of the ecological crisis, the exponential population growth and poverty the amazing results of scientific research and technology, it raises new questions of ethics, social relevance and moral conflict indicated. It is appropriate to use the term "ethical turn", coined by Edmund Husserl in the first decade of the twentieth century to refer to essential features of their phenomenology. Theoretically, the clearest manifestation of this "ethical turn" is the growth of "applied ethics", defined usually as part of ethics that provides a direct and particular attention to controversial issues and contemporary practices. This ethical turn, must become an engine of a proposed new living, other customs and habits of thought and action, its own place, an ethos in its older sense of home and shelter. Bioethics, broadly speaking, means an aspect of Applied Ethics proposed the study of ethical issues related to life. Many contemporary authors agree critically on the idea that most modern thought holds an ethic that affirms the autonomy of man, the benefits of technological progress technological abandoned his own pace (which, in many cases is that of wars and markets), and no rules for human action acting on nature.
Towards a conception of the subject of ethics : You must reinterpret and open the lines of traditional research by considering the vulnerability or fragility of the human constitutive. Paul Ricoeur in "Autonomy and Vulnerability" argues that both terms, vulnerability and autonomy, far from opposing, consisting of one another: "Autonomy is the a fragile, vulnerable. And the weakness is nothing more than a disease, if not the fragility of a call to be autonomous, as it always is in some way. " From this critical reconstruction of the Western notion of self (self , soimême, Selbst ) defines autonomy in the first instance in terms of power or capacity. The "moral subject ", supposedly universal, appealing to traditional ethics is only a partially understood subject, a human male adult, who has full physical and mental capabilities, free, proprietary (the property Overall, both systems pre-capitalist and capitalist, understood as the sign and condition of liberty), white and Western. So much so that in the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle , for example, is a moral agent in the full sense (able to achieve eudaimonia, or happiness through the practice of virtue) only humans (not God or animal) , male (no women), adult (no child or young or elderly), in the fullness of their abilities (not ill or mentally retarded, etc.), free (not slaves or subjected to some form of servitude or economic constraint) and active (political) of a city-state (foreign). This is the person who builds the "us" and excludes "other" and therefore closed to most human beings the full range of moral agent (or the possibility of achieving that status). However, some current ethical responsibility care and take care of these challenges and outlines new ways. One of the most remarkable figures in contemporary ethical debate about the responsibility and the critique of the notion of the moral subject's own traditional ethics is American cognitive psychologist Carol Gilligan, considered a current leader of the ethics of care undeniable importance in the field of bioethics. The best-known work of Gilligan, In a Different Voice (Gilligan, 1982). Gilligan in a later article explores novel forms of self (self) and responsibility. The use of literary device:

Gilligan draws the material for investigation of empirical work but the Canto VI of the Aeneid , specifically the episode of the encounter between Aeneas and Dido spectrum killed by the sword, in the campi LUGENTA hell (fields of tears). Surprised by the irreparable harm caused unintentionally his love (cause I Funeris heu tibi? L. VI, 458), Aeneas describes himself as a man bound by his responsibility to fulfill the destiny marked by the gods. Even when not had previously left, "he describes himself as a man set apart, bound by his responsibility to his destination as the episode of the meeting between Aeneas and Dido spectrum killed by the sword, in the campi LUGENTA hell. Surprised by the irreparable harm caused unintentionally his love (cause I Funeris heu tibi? L. VI, 458), Aeneas describes himself as a man bound by his responsibility to fulfill the destiny marked by the gods. Aeneas was caught between two images of himself. As involved and as innocent as responsible and cast aside by his fate. This clearly illustrates the dilemma of how to think about the self (self), "as represented the experience of being at once separate and connected to others through a factory human relationships. "The image of individual autonomy, then, is normally associated with a notion of social responsibility conceived as a duty or obligation. Only art the poet with insight into the far side of the hero and his liability by the appearance of infandum adjective, not predictable, inexpressible, in two moments of the text: when at the banquet that the Queen of Carthage offers have expressed their difficulty the painful story of the fall of Troy (infandum. .. dolorem, L. II 3) and when the passion is rated from " amorem infandum ... "(L. IV, 85). Such inexpressibility reveals that these stories of pain and love have been generally out of discussions about morality and the individual. The perplexity and Aeneas questions reflected essential tension in two ways of thinking about themselves in relation and two related forms of liability: "The two images of the self set by these two conceptual frameworks involve two ways of thinking about responsibility that are fundamentally incompatible. "
Gilligan thus distinguished two meanings of the word "responsibility" Responsibility, which means commitment to the obligations and responsiveness, ie, sensitivity in relationships. Gilligan then determines the existence of two biases-towards justice and towards care arising from the experiences of inequality and union included in the relationship between children and parents that characterize all forms of human bonding. Stands in opposition to a unified moral vision and believes that these two concepts of responsibility, which reflect different images of himself in relation, "Edit an individualism that has been focused on a single interpretive framework." As shown in the Virgilian Aeneas is not something exclusive to the genre but establishing the human experience as such. Rather these are two moral voices: one that speaks of a link, to prevent damage, care and response, and one that speaks of equality, reciprocity, justice and rights. "
Text: Who is the subject of bioethics? Reflections on the vulnerability
Dr. Alcira B. Bonilla
The Aeneid is a vast epic poem written by Virgil between 29 and 19 BC His central theme is the journey that Aeneas, along with some Trojans made from their city destroyed by the Greeks to the lands of Italy, where eventually installed after having sustained a violent war against the peoples of lugar.La first appearance of Dido (Book I) is the proud queen of her people, capable to govern and administer the laws, fully confident IV The book describes the love of Dido and Aeneas, a story a tragic ending at the end of this song with the suicide of the queen. Dido's suicide always will be a reproach, but curiously his action is condemned by Virgil. Dido in the halls of hell is not the blessed, but does the same as them, and is dedicated to what he loved most in life to love, now with the faithful Sychaeus. Also in this epilogue Dido still considered vile and cowardly reasons for Aeneas.
No wonder that a figure of such magnitude as Dido had a wide impact on literature, painting and music. In the Renaissance, man is moral center of the universe and therefore accountable. So witness the Opera H. Purcell Dido and Aeneas, a work that emphasizes the human, divine intervention minimized.

PHOTOS: Painting: "Dido preparing his death with the sword of Aeneas, Andrea Sacchi (1599 - 1661) crater. 490-480 aCDiomedes, supported by Athena, attacks Aeneas is saved by Aphrodite. Photo: Feminism.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

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ISHTAR was the daughter of the god Without (moon god) or Anu. In one character's daughter, was the lady of war; as a descendant of this, the example of love, licentiousness, intemperance and violence to the extreme capricious .
As a first archetype psychological dynamics of women in history, and in contrast to her sister Ereshkigal or Ki , the earth goddess, Ishtar can not be considered within the group of mother goddesses as their relationship with humans is more as an inspiration for action vital shelter. With this character, Ishtar appears in the epic Gilgamesh .
Its symbol is an eight-pointed star. In his honor, the astronomers have called Ishtar Terra a continent of Venus. Your animal is associated the lion. Ishtar was associated with the planet Venus as morning star. It is also shown standing naked, with hands on belly, breasts or holding, or brandishing a bow on a chariot drawn by seven lions. In its aspect of divine love Ishtar is the patroness of prostitutes and extramarital affairs, which certainly had no special connotation in Babylon, and that marriage was a solemn contract to perpetuate the family as the mainstay of the state and as a generator of wealth , but in which there was no talk of love or fidelity amorosa.Ishtar not a goddess of marriage, nor is a mother goddess.

LEGEND: Ishtar, lady of the sky, powerful goddess of love and war. Her first husband was her brother Tammuz . When Tammuz died, Ishtar descended into hell to tear her sister, the terrible Ereshkigal , the power over life and death. After giving instructions to his servant Papsukal , going to rescue her if he did not return, Ishtar descended to earth, from darkness Irkalla. Began brave and defiant, shouting at the door that opened the door before the cast forth below. But in each of the seven gates it was stripped of one of his garments, and with them was stripped of his power, until he got naked and defenseless before Ereshkigal, who killed and his body hung on a nail. With his death, everyone began to languish. But the faithful Papsukal reached the gods and asked that creates a being capable of entering the world of the dead and revive Ishtar with the food and water of life. This is how Ishtar came to life, but had to pay the price: for six months a year, Tammuz must live in the world of the dead. While there, Ishtar has to mourn his loss, in the spring, back out and all are filled with joy. This legend is also another version for the origin of the " Dance of the Seven Veils ," which tells the love of Ishtar and Tammuz was so great that it decided to also go into the realm of Ereshkigal. With passion and determination, he crossed the seven halls of the underworld and each was stripped of one of his belongings: a veil or a jewel. In this story, the veil represents the hidden, the things we hide from others and ourselves. Leaving the veil, Ishtar reveals his truths, and then get together with his love.

The sacred prostitution in Babylonian culture : In its Ishtar, the goddess of Sumerian culture becomes the goddess of beauty Babylonian and sensuality, which liked the acts of carnal love and that to ensure their veneration and worship were consecrated virgins in the service of temple, dedicated to sacred prostitution , ie the selective and timely prostitution, whose benefit was devoted exclusively to temple service. The first writer to describe the sex ritual or ritual prostitution is Herodotus V century BC, in his "stories" when describing the religious center of the great city of Babylon. Influences: l a Bible speaks the "Canaanite abominations" in terms of offensive sexual practices because they were made to honor local gods, but not about the practice, extended and confirmed, of sacred prostitution in Babylon in honor of the goddess Ishtar, Astarte or the same Ashtoret Canaanite, but in very vague and less damning than its counterpart Canaanite

Babylonian mythology has a story similar to the Sumerian goddess Inanna, who is known as " The descent of Ishtar into hell (late 2nd millennium BC). This story highlights both violent energy, impatient and fierce Ishtar as goddess of war, like his passion and love for her husband and son Tammuz. Here is a story full of symbolism of its descent:
  • "It was a time of sadness after the death of the god Tammuz Spring. The beautiful goddess Ishtar, who loved him dearly, followed him to the ante-chambers of Eternity defying the demons that keep the doors of time. But at the first gate guardian demon Ishtar forced to surrender their shoes, that the wise men say it symbolizes the will to deliver.
  • In the second gate the goddess had to leave their jeweled ankle bracelets, which the wise men say it means delivering the ego.
  • The third door gave her clothes, which involves giving one's mind.
  • In the fourth gave the golden bowls covering her breasts, which is like handing sexual activity.
  • And in the fifth door gave her necklace, which is detached from the ecstasy of enlightenment.
  • The sixth door gave her earrings, which means giving magic.
  • And finally, in the seventh door, handed her crown of a thousand petals, which is to deliver the divine. only totally nude, and then entered into Eternity Ishtar and rescue his beloved. Severe Queen of the infernal regions, Ereskigal, reluctantly allowed Ishtar was sprinkled with the Water of Life and leave with Tammuz the higher realm. "
Photos: 1. Relief Queen of the Night - 2 and 3. door Ishtar was the eighth of the gates to Babylon, and the most famous, thanks to its large size (14 by 10 feet wide), but especially to your decor, the glazed brick was used with exquisite simplicity, yet with obvious magnificence. On a blue colored powder of lapis lazuli, the series of lions, dragon (mythological griffins) and walking bulls are arranged compositions, framed by bands of ornamental motifs and geometric simplicity and undeniable color effect. Its roof and doors were made of cedar, and through him passed the Processional Way , armed with more walls and adobe 120 lions guarding. Was the main entrance to interior streets and temples of Babylon.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

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the multifaceted ISHTAR Karen Horney, a pioneer of the break with the Freudian model

Karen Horney represents in the history of psychoanalysis a very debated, as opposed to organismic biologists and Freudian theories, arguing for a cultural interactionist model where it takes a leading role in explaining the keys to human development and the psychology of women, surpassing the previous stricture. The review of this is the subject of this work, which is aimed at paying tribute to the primary responsibility of psychoanalysis or neopsicoanálisis culturalist. Karen Horney (1885-1952) was the daughter of Norwegian Vackels Berndt Henrik Danielsen and Clotilde von Ronzelen Maris, a descendant of Dutch known as Sonni. Karen's father was a captain merchant marine and the mother was the daughter of an architect who was educated in the classical bourgeois atmosphere of the time and in a religious environment marked by Protestantism. Clotilde Berndt was not in love and even despised, feeling flush from their daughter, who was held in a family environment with little tokens of love between parents. At age 13, encouraged by her mother, Karen decided to study medicine, which forced him to leave the religious school. Karen began to be very ambivalent mother admired her before, complaining of his snobbery and anti-Semitism. At 21, Karen started a degree in medicine at the University of Friburgo.En 1909, counting 24 years, Karen gets Oskar married and settled in Berlin, again with his mother's family living all the earnings of the husband. By this time, Karen began attending the University Neuropsychiatric Clinic, where he met Karl Abraham, who begin their first analysis to be suffering from sexual difficulties and a prolonged depressed state. Soon after, in May 1910 his father died, accentuating their sadness, despite which decides to discontinue its psychoanalytic treatment. At this time his daughter Brigitte was born in February 1911 and killed her mother, considering resuming its analysis because of low mood that was, finally opting for the self-examination for fear of their reactions transference. In 1911 Karen finishes the race in Berlin, starting immediately psychiatric training at the same time attend scientific meetings of the local Psychoanalytic Association, where he presented in February 1912 a communication on sexual education of children, two years later, he presented his doctoral thesis dealt with the physical trauma as a cause of psychosis. In 1915, during the world war, was appointed secretary of the Berlin Psychoanalytic Association. Already had two daughters (Brigitte and Marianne), born Renate, the last in 1916, the family settled in the affluent town of Zehlendorf. In 1920 Horney's position in the group was discredited Freudian, which, along with political and economic situation in Germany was being discussed, was that Karen accepted a position of deputy director in the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute who led Franz Alexander , a former pupil of his. He left for the United States in 1932, accompanied by her daughter Renate, because the other two daughters were independent. After a year, an American citizen, validated their studies doctors and began to publish many works clinics, creating a remarkable reputation that led to higher income in private. His life ended on December 4, 1952, and died due to lung cancer.

The break with the Freudian model in advocating
influences cultural human development
Although it is generally considered that Alfred Adler was the initiator of the culturalist approach, in fact were Erich Fromm, Harry Stack Sullivan and Karen Horney who truly were established by the pioneers of this movement, whose central feature was the rejection of the theory drive (and its many derivatives) for socio-cultural determination in normal and pathological human development, as well as core aspects of female identity. These authors likewise led to the replacement of long-term psychotherapeutic approaches and liabilities of the Freudians with more short and active, in which the conflicts of today and the relationship with the patient became essential.
1. Freudian stage, which covers from 1917 to 1932 and developed in Europe, although an early work, The technique of psychoanalytic psychotherapy (Horney, 1917), begins to show some disagreements with the classic psychoanalytic model. In the writings on female psychology was also against the thesis of Freud, Abraham and Deutsch.
2. The takeoff of Freudianism, which extends from 1932 to 1941, the United States. The main ideas of this stage are in the neurotic personality of our time (Horney, 1937), where he gives the child's interactions with his mother and a socio-cultural influences central role in explaining human development in all its aspects, leaving aside the approach based on drive theory and the Oedipus complex.

3. The establishment of their own doctrine, since 1942 in the United States, building a theory far removed from classical psychoanalysis, with influences of Goldstein with his notion of the organism, with its holistic Smuts, of Whitehead with his idea of \u200b\u200bprocess and Bertalanffy with its focus on systems, as well as anthropologists Kardiner, Linton and Margaret Mead. Works this stage are basic Our inner conflicts (1945), Neurosis and maturity (1950) and female psychology.
The neurotic personality of our time (Horney, 1937), became a real best-seller. In this work, clearly displayed their original ideas and new therapeutic approaches, focussing on all the drives on the cultural. In a sense, the neurotic personality of our time was a critique of culture and its Discontents Freud (1930), whose starting point was the patriarchal society and where it kept a pessimistic for the fate of humanity.
More specifically, to Horney's neurotic developments real estate would have the following conflict:
1. Give and receive affection.
2. Issues around self-assessment and self-promotion.
3. Suppression of basic aggressiveness or hostility, which would emerge the basic anxiety, which would affect the core of every neurosis, which has three major features: the helpless, irrationality and character flag that something is wrong within our self.
4. From this basic anxiety trying to escape through a wide variety of characterological defenses, among which are the rationalizations, denials, the drugged (drugs, travel, work, shopping), leaks, inhibitions, partial eclipses of the conflict, social isolation, the idealizations of self and exoactuaciones or actings-out.
5. The therapeutic goal should be, well, to strive to raise self-esteem and self-control of the subject, avoiding the analysis interpretations that hurt your ego, because if this was done, she would call up the negative therapeutic reaction, Freud placed in the eternal return of the drive, another source of this reaction negative therapeutic activity would be the authoritative interpretation or critique, especially in the case of patients who had conflicts with issues that gravitate in the areas of need for power and the search for love (Horney, 1936).