Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Inland Impire

In response Eisberg Von loves how

   It's All I have to bring to-day, 
This, and my heart beside,
This, and my heart, and all the fields,
And all the meadows wide.
Be sure you count, should I forget, --
Some one the sum could tell, --
This, and my heart, and all the bees
Which in the clover dwell.
                                           -Emily Dickinson     
   (tanto así)   

Muscle Spasm And Mini Stroke

Matriarchal and Patriarchal Hegemony

matriarchal society is a term applied to forms ginecocráticas society, in which the role of leadership and power is exercised by women and especially mothers of a community; matriarch derived from the Greek mater or mother and archein ( ark ) or reign , governor r .
is said that the passage of matriarchy to patriarchy was a key turning point when man discovered that he, with the sperm, which fertilize the woman was, therefore, father of the creature. A fact well known to every mortal today was a revelation (perhaps greater than that of fire) in prehistoric times. That man could stand as indispensable as far as reproduction is concerned, he began to become aware of the need to ensure their paternity. The worship of female fertility left side, beginning of civilization. The progress of culture has never been easy. From the Hittites to the use of iron, to the U.S. with the invention of the atomic bomb, human progress has been intrinsically correlated with the war industry. The establishment of patriarchy, scholars agree, marked the emergence of social order, the rules of law, private property, state, and also slavery.
Very synthetically, because it can be said the evolution of culture in historical times has been characterized by the step from matriarchy to patriarchy, the change in fertility cult by the "cult of war." That said, it goes without saying that the element "matriarchal" has not been completely eliminated, and is much more present in our culture than we imagine. Cults like the Egyptians to Osiris, or even the Christian worship to the resurrection of the Son of God, no longer related to "the cyclical, with the cycle of life and fertility cult.

The matrifocal
An investigation into the religious and legal nature of matriarchy in the ancient world, the theory of Johann Bachofen (1861) introduced a radically new vision of the role of women in a wide range of ancient societies. Through his research set out to prove that motherhood is the source of human society, religion, morality, and decorum, writing about the ancient societies of Lycia, Crete, Greece, Egypt, India, central Asia, North Africa and Spain. Concluded the work by connecting the archaic law of the mother with the Christian veneration of the Virgin Mary. Proposed four stages of cultural evolution presumably passed:
-A phase 'telluric', nomadic and wild courtesans, characterized him as communism and polyamory. The predominant deity would have been a proto-Aphrodite earthly
-A phase "lunar" matrifocal based on agriculture, characterized by the appearance of chthonic mystery cults and the law. The predominant deity would have been an early Demeter.
- A phase in which the traditions have been masculinized, the Dionysian, to the extent that patriarchy began to emerge. The predominant deity, the original Dionysus.
-phase "solar" patriarchal, the Apollonian, in which all trace of society and passes matrifocal do Dionysian was suppressed and modern civilization arose.

Bachofen, creator of the theory of matriarchy, the famous "Muterrecht" was picked up by key thinkers of our culture from various fields of study: from Engels to Freud and by anthropologists such as Malinowski , Durckheim and the French School, Mircea Eliade , etc. He was also taken up by the early Frankfurt School ( E. Fromm , for example), by the Circle were, on the great mythologist Joseph Campbell , and was the subject of attention and open admiration of the English philosopher José Ortega y Gasset , among others.

F riedrich Engels:
U sheet describes a Bachofen for his "Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State. " Engels concluded in his work mentioned that:
-man originally lived in a state of sexual promiscuity, to describe which Bachofen use the misnomer of "courtesans";
-such promiscuity excludes any certainty of paternity, and that could therefore trace the relationship only in the female line, as the matriarch, and that it was originally the case amongst all peoples of antiquity;
-from women as mothers, were the only parents of the younger generation that were known with certainty, she held a position of such high respect and honor that became the foundation in the concept of Bachofen, a regular rule of women (gynaecocracy)
-the transition to monogamy, which the woman belongs to one man, involved a violation of a primitive religious law (ie, actually a violation of traditional rights of other men to this woman), and to expiate this violation or to purchase indulgence for it, she had to surrender herself for a limited period. (Friedrich Engels, 1891).

Traditionally when he takes issue with the Status of Women, is an almost instantaneous lock her in the term family, there to talk about the family role, referring to work domestic woman who has made exclusively for centuries, but in reality has not always been well. The family is an institution that is of historical nature, and has undergone several transformations in the evolution of society. In the primitive community, the woman has a fundamental role, and the descent is marked by the mother, and that was the only accurate because every woman knew what their children more however, all children of women in a community are common children, this situation stems from the fact that it was not possible to know who the father was, and they were also parents of all children, this is the way marriages are seen in groups. The Matriarchy, typical of this period historical, may be defined as a system in which the woman has a major social function for the development of the community, not exercising supremacy over man, not because it was who was in charge of the inner workings of the community (error common which usually falls to define matriarchy) but because of natural right social position of both sexes was determined according to skills, for example, an old man could no longer pursue collection efforts, and young woman, could perfectly ensure the livelihood of the community without the risk of exhausting work and charges .. It can be stated, taking into account the conditions of the time, the distribution task was done "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs", added further to the estimated social position occupied by women, hence also called at this period primitive communism. However, the break that gives to strip women of the privileged position it occupied in the early community, in the words of F. Engels was the historic defeat of the female in the world ", is determined by the appearance of private property and thus the division of society into antagonistic social classes (hence this is the source of the oppression woman). Such influence is explained by the fact that although the matriarchy, the offspring, and thus the inheritance is established through the mother, the need to establish conditions to ensure that inheritance now be marked on the paternal, and he was the man who had managed to accumulate wealth, and these required the enslavement of women, as a guarantee of that succession. Such is the connotation of what family really means that the origin of its name famulus means domestic slave (F. Engels. The origin of the Family, Private Property and the State), and certainly comes family to represent the set of slaves (children, slaves themselves, and basically women) belonging to a man. Then comes the Patriarchate, which can be defined as "an ideological system, economic and social, that is institutionalized male supremacy."
Patriarchy still in force, exerted by the moral bourgeois ideological hegemony holds indisputable that the woman evaded, then, he has built on a system of gender (social construct that assigns certain duties as born male or female, and that the sex difference in origin, since the latter is biological in nature and the first cultural character), it has developed, and maintained the domination against women. The economic character of the Patriarchate, is determined not only by their origin which has deep economic roots, but also because it keeps women on proper relations of slavery which are determined mainly by the unpaid work carried out exclusively at home women . This in turn establishes its social character, which has confined women to the private setting and thus the entire load and activities in this area are undertaken and has no economic value to assign to turn the man as own, the public sphere, allowing further development of his personality (within reason), and create a chain dependency relationship is summarized in the operator (capitalist) - exploited (worker), and reproduced in the micro family life, as an economic unit of society, under the formula: laborer operator - exploited working women. can not speak of drastic changes, because it is undisputed historical process of transition from one form or another, they were adding items and eventually to monogamy, even dominant system, but also subject to transformation (which necessarily must be profound), if society as a whole, is progressing at a training system or economic - social superior. This does not exclude, not realize that this difficult process and in turn deepen the imperialist hegemony, it may even regress in this structure is sustained, par excellence, class society and its philosophy, and as has been observed in the imperial ideological onslaught, clear sign of the coveted throwback to the operators want us to submit as far as women's rights are concerned. Monogamy is the guarantee that the heritage handed down father - child is reliable and indisputable, because the home becomes a cage castrating women, and with the laws guarantee the fidelity of women. It represents, then the title women, on which are woven a series of unequal relations and Marx: " contains in germ not only slavery (servitus), but the easement ... Contains, in miniature, all the antagonisms which later develop in society and in his State . signs and remnants are very precise about it, it says Engels in the work cited above, and are living expression the backwardness of the society about it. For example, when questioned by the Napoleonic Code in its article 312, which stated: " The child conceived during marriage is father to the husband . It is no accident that in the past, divorce rights, would be inconceivable, and that female infidelity was punished even with death, while the man set simultaneous relationships with a number of women. Likewise, infanticide of girls was common by the hope of securing a long-awaited successor in future come into possession of the estate of his father.
Engels says: "The first division of labor is the one made between men and women for the procreation of children. And today I can add: the first class antagonism that appeared in history coincides with the development of the antagonism between men and women in monogamy, and the first class oppression with that of the female sex by the male ".
Monogamy is therefore an economic relationship that has produced two phenomena associated with it, adultery, punishable until recently mainly for women, and occurs precisely because it is not the union of two persons exercising freely their love, but the maintenance of economic relations that sustain it. On the other hand Prostitution, which masks the spiritual needs of a relationship based on interests and reinforces monogamy and patriarchy to the extent that it infringes the status of women. Prostitution is a relationship that enslaves women, the product in the monogamous family man is the subject of history.
Finally Engels said: " As the means of production to become common property, the individual family ceases to be the economic unit of society. The domestic economy will become a social issue, the care and upbringing of children, too. The company will take care with the same care for all children, whether legitimate or natural. So the fear will disappear "the consequences", which is today the most important social occasion both moral point of view and from the economic point of view to prevent a single woman delivered freely man she loves. " The family is therefore the most intimate expression of social relations determined by private property.


"I am the natural mother of all things, mistress and guide of all the elements, progeny first of all worlds, the first among the divine powers, Queen of Hell, Lady of the inhabitants of the heavens, my features are conjugated in all gods and goddesses. I own my will of the planets in the sky, the winds of the seas healthy and mournful silence of the underworld, my name, my divinity is adored throughout the world in various forms, with different rituals and countless names. The Phrygians, the first born of all men, they call me mother Pesinunte gods, the Athenians, born of his own soil, Minerva Cecropiana ; the Cypriots, who bathes the sea, Venus Pafiana, the Cretans, carrying arrows, Diana Dictina, the Sicilian speak three languages, Proserpina Infernal, the inhabitants of Eleusis, the ancient goddess Ceres (...) and the Egyptians, who are knowledgeable of all the ancient knowledge and worship me with their peculiar rites, call me by my real name, Queen Isis . "
Fragment: The Golden Ass of Apuleius

Monday, August 30, 2010

Jewels And Shelly Martinez Buy

The misogyny of Greek μισογυνία ' hate to woman 'is the aversion or hatred of women or the tendency ideological or psychological is to despise women as sex and considered it all female . L to misogyny is present in the fundamental myths of all cultures.

Some times from several civilizations have been more misogynistic than others, but the root of modern misogyny is twofold: on one hand, Greek, through myths like Pandora and highly symbolic female monsters as Sirens the Harpies , Scylla and Charybdis or Sphinx , or philosophers like Aristotle , who wrote that women were biologically inferior to men, and on the other hand, the Semitic tradition contained in the Bible , who considered women inferior to men because of original sin of Eva and divine punishment:

The woman said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, and your desire will be for your husband and he shall rule over thee. And the man said: Because you have heeded the voice of your wife and ate from the tree that I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground because of you, with sorrow shalt thou eat of it every day of your life.
1.Hay a good principle which created order, light and man, and an evil principle which created chaos, darkness and woman. (Pythagoras)
female is female by virtue of a certain lack of qualities. (Aristotle) \u200b\u200b
women, much as in them is pursued, no interior, no more than masks. You have to pity the man who abandons these ghostly beings almost necessarily unable to meet (Friedrich Nietzsche)
4. It is understood as women understand the language of birds: by intuition or in any way. (Henry Amiel)
go with women, do not forget the whip. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
woman is, admittedly, an animal inept and stupid but nice and funny. (Erasmus of Rotterdam) 7.The
secret of the soul of women is lack of it at all. (Jardiel Poncela)
women, being weaker, are forced to depend not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive hypocrisy and unchanging tendency to lie. So the hypocrisy is inherent in women and is found in women as in the clever silly. (Arthur Schopenhauer) 9.A
kindly stupid woman is a blessing sky. (Voltire)
10.No no mantle or skirt that feels worse the woman or the girl that wants to be wise. (Martin Luther)
woman represents a kind of layer between the child and man. (A. Schopenhauer)
12.No consent for a woman to teach or to dominate the husband, but remain silent .. (San Pablo)
woman is bad. Each time you present the opportunity, every woman will sin. (Buddha) 14.When
women love us, forgive us everything, even our crimes, if not love us, do not give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues. (Honore de Balzac)
15.La big question that never has been answered and which I still can not answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is: what does a woman want? (Sigmund Freud)
16.La silliest woman can handle an intelligent man, but it must be very clever woman to manage a fool. (Rudyard Kipling)
17.Si want women to follow you, get ahead. (Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas)
18.Hay so many beautiful women, but no perfect. (Victor Hugo)
19.The first compared to women with a flower, was a poet, the second a fool. (Voltaire)
woman is like a shadow, if you flee, still, if you still runs. (Chamfort)
woman is a vulgar animal from which man has made a very beautiful ideal. (Gustave Flaubert)
woman would be lovely if one could fall into her arms without falling into their hands. (Ambrose Bierce)
woman, the devil only knows what it is, I do not know at all. (Fyodor Dostoevsky) 24.The
battles are the only women who make their escape. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
25.Cualquiera who says they can see through women is missing a lot of things. (Groucho Marx)
women 26.The love is always mixed with involuntary admiration, and stops when creating convinced that man is inferior. (Friedrich Hebbel)
27. Why withered flower? Wilted flower because I hugged her close to my heart, so the flower withered. (Rabindranath Tagore)
28.Un man can be happy with any woman, while not love. (Oscar Wilde)

allocation to women in subordinate roles to men, without assessing their training for the tasks assumed by men, clashed with the feminist movements of the late nineteenth century, which led to a redefinition of the sexes a new complaint of women, in large measure linked to the problems of bourgeois women to leave home for defend their way into the public sphere, as well as the existence of the suffragette movement and the new moral currents critics say the traditional family and the right to enjoy. Is already in the twentieth century, after getting the female vote, when in the hands of the sexual revolution and slogans such as "abolition of patriarchy" and "the personal is political ', women come out of the hole that remained for centuries. Public opinion emerges the struggle for equality and equal society attractive, still a distant utopia.




in Hesiod Works and Days puts the figure of Pandora before the advent of modern men. As it was she who brought the work, shadow, sin, pain and death we place upon arrival in the Golden Age, Pandora is the degradation of humanity. Men of the Golden Age of live carefree, never worked and died in a sweet dream that waking up in the Elysian fields. Pandora arises between them as being clearly superior and the best qualities of the Olympians, who have given themselves.


Hermes forged Pandora's chest lies, false words and curiosity. And it is this seed that leads him to open the cash given to Epimetheus in which they had locked the misfortunes of mankind. This coincidence intercultural reflects the thinking of companies they see as dangerous by the fact that women's access to knowledge because it perverts nature's wisdom.


The myth radiates a strong aversion to women, especially the role it has in relationships with men and how they drive. Interestingly, however, joined in this rejection is supported on the male female superiority. Pandora stands as an elixir of the gods and men, adorned with the qualities of the immortals. These presentations for the role that these cultures retain relegated to women. Demonstrations are defined and relegate ancestral women evil beings.

Monday, August 23, 2010

How To Moonstone Maplestory

misogyny Women Who Run With Wolves

"To be ourselves because we be exiled by many others. However, to comply with what others want us to exile because of us same. "

"The best land to plant and grow something new again is at the bottom. In that sense, hitting bottom, although extremely painful, is also the land for planting."

"Usually every fear has three parts: one part is a remnant of the past (this being often a source of shame), another part is a lack of certainty this, and another part is afraid of a result poor or negative consequences in the future. "

"There are very few things right / wrong or good / bad in this world . There is, however, useful and not useful. There are also things that are sometimes destructive, and things productive. "

"Many times I heard a man say he has a" good woman " in love with him and he with her, but I just can not "loose" enough to see what he really feels about her. The critical point for such a person is when allowed himself to love "even though" ... Even if you have stitches, even if you feel nervous, even when it has been hurt before, even when you feel fear of the unknown. "

"Wherever we are, the shadow that trots behind us is undoubtedly fours fires Clarissa Pinkola Estes from the preface of this book that took more than twenty years to write, because not a trial but a detailed and sharp collection and interpretation of folk tales from different backgrounds, in the service of the figure of the Wild Woman. Doctorate in psychology etnoclínica-crosses of clinical psychology and ethnology, and Jungian psychoanalyst, Pinkola Estes is also cantadora or mesemondó, ie, heir to the old Hungarian traditions transmitted orally in the form of stories, that tell their stories absorbed sitting on wooden chairs with crushed plastic purses in their hands. Pinkola Estes uses with his patients to cure them stories. And the account of Jungian-style, from an analysis in which each character in the story is a part of the same psyche, on the basis that in mind and the soul of one person, in this case a woman, constantly waging battles between opposing forces storm.

The work of the analyst is in the service of rescue, those stories, performances to help their patients or their readers to identify themselves to the Wild Woman, and let it operate in themselves, to allow other archetypes triumph over the move away from their own nature. Who is Wild Woman? What is strength? Women who run with the Wolves was chosen here to match some women with certain species of wolves, Canis lupus and canis rufus: namely, an acute perception, a playful spirit and a high capacity for affection.
Pinkola Estes was born into a family of Mexican-English and was later adopted by a Hungarian family. He grew up near the border of Michigan, in a wooded area where the lightning is not common but people were fearful of the night.
Later, when he was an analyst, noted that traditional psychology often lack answers to the most important issues for women: the archetypal, the intuitive, the sexual and the cyclic ages, innate and acquired knowledge, the creative fire. After spending years studying fairy tales, myths and stories from multiple sources, brought together two words, "woman" and "wild" to open, say, a door that every woman understands just hear them. It is a culturally closed doors, sometimes forgotten, but remains there as a woman, any woman, stay there. It is intuitive, passionate, untamed, is, above all, a force that gives women the certainty of doing the right thing, whatever that may be, when you are guided by it. It is therefore a dangerous force for the status quo, because, when a woman smells that strength within themselves, is capable of anything: to leave a marriage, of leaving a job, suddenly you go traveling, to cry out to be left alone, to break, if necessary, any or all of the rules taught. This female force, warns Pinkola Estes, transcends any name and weaves many other vital forces, but has been called here by that name only intelligible way to make their presence in ancient folk tales that the analyst has constructed diving, often to recover "lost bone" links sexual or scatological sordid morality that wiped them over time. Is the wolf who fiercely fight for what deserves to live, and that loose what must die.

Wolf and female
The stories chosen by Pinkola Estes, in his office, recreate the psychological drama of his patient. Those who have chosen to discuss in this book are those which it considers more power summary of the redemptive role of the Wild Woman, who never emerge easily: there are always obstacles to overcome and ignore the voices of other archetypes that women tend to be more sweet, more loving, more selfish, more calculators or weaker than they are.
Paleomitológico analysis that the analyst has made and transmitted in a beautiful prose connects these stories with recurring dreams sometimes female, sometimes with views that are generally taken into non-ordinary states of consciousness. Almost everyone agrees on one point: at some point in the women's individual events, you must have the courage to see what the guardians of conscience advise not to see. You need to run the place and give credence to that charge I of a different order than traditional psychoanalysis has accustomed us. Pinkola Estes speaks of the soul. And he says that "when we work the soul, her Wild Woman, creates more of itself." It just takes make room, she, that force does the rest of the work for us, because then we already are it. That education, culture and fear have clogged the entry of this archetype in the mind of a woman does not mean she is not waiting, like a warrior, his new opportunity. Pinkola Estes argues that "if a woman is able to retain the gift of being old when you are young and be young when old, you always know what to expect. But if you lost, you can retrieve a strong mental effort. "
Other Wild Woman names in different traditions, are the Wolf, the bone-setters, the mop or the one who knows. Always, in all cultures, These archetypes represent femininity file, its power sometimes magnanimous and giver of life, and sometimes fierce and repulsive, the curator of the power of the female.
With respect to men, some, of course, prefer a cat to a wolf, not to mention those that prefer a trained monkey. But only those willing to make contact with the wild part of the same will be adequate. Is not scare of our screaming or pejoratively tell us that suddenly we are thinking with their ovaries. By contrast, the right is what will be proud of having next to that woman.

Throughout the book, Pinkola Estes narrates several stories and doing further analysis of each of the characters, which are parts of a single psyche. They are beneficent fairy, naive virgins, sisters wise, indifferent parents, pets, perceptive, skilled healers, witches, creepy. All these things live in us, play games, make bets. "But what we do with all these things inside that are crazy and sow destruction without realizing it? We must leave room even for them, but a place where they can be monitored. One in particular further from the truth and the most powerful fugitive from the psyche, it requires our immediate attention and action: it is the natural predator, "Estes dicePinkola the introduction of one of the stories:" Bluebeard. " The story is known, but the analyst highlighted in their nature destructive central character (or self) and highlights the solutions it offers to kill the story wrong.
In short, a giant known as Bluebeard courting three sisters. Is eccentric, and the two major distrust him. But captive to the child, the most naive, who marries him. Already in his castle, the husband treats her well and one day tells you to leave and that if she wants, she can invite your wife to stay with her sisters. It gives all the keys to the castle and tells him he can go wherever you want, but with one restriction: there is a small key that you should refrain from use. In his absence, sisters, barely aware that there is a key that can not be used, proposed to play to find out which door it belongs. And of course, once discovered the door, open it. There, the young wife discovers a pile of bloodied bodies of women and also warns that the key starts to bleed: It is a trap that left him Bluebeard to know whether it was obeyed. The young wife tries to clear the blood of the key, rubbed with horsehair, lava, but everything is useless. The sisters are hiding when he arrives. Key Watch bleeding and angry. He tells the young that the dead are his previous wives, all disobeyed him and opened the door. And the push there to kill her. In her terror, she says, "Okay, okay, but give me time to prepare for death." He is awarded. Meanwhile, the sisters call their brothers to come to rescue her. "Do you see coming?" She asks, terrified. "No, not yet," answered the sisters. "Do not come yet?" He insists. "They're coming!", Answered at last. Siblings finally kill Bluebeard and free the girl, who is no longer naive. It is a woman.
In the psyche of a woman, there is always an innocent party who is fascinated even by what he knows in advance that does not suit you. There is always a cautious hand (the sisters) who choose to miss the appearance of good match. There is also, above all, a natural predator, a self-destructive force that has no limits, is seductive and sadistic snares. As the drama unfolds and the young will be killed, initiation occurs: it grows and becomes shrewd: asks for time to develop a strategy. The time is awarded and is used to summon the brothers, guardians, warriors that also exist in the psyche to go to danger. The crux of the story takes dramatic but a little earlier, when the young woman opened the door and go. In life-or in the psyche of every woman there is something you prefer not to see. Monstrous, painful, something on the order of evil. The young wife would not have grown and would not have succeeded if it had not been able to overcome what is behind that door, that naive and curious women who do not develop their craft have no chance. "The ability to resist what you learn will allow a woman to return to their basic nature, in which all their thoughts, feelings and actions receive the support they need," says Pinkola Estes, who also examines the curious relationship between predator and prey, "who dance to a mysterious mental dance. They say that when the prey with the predator establishes a kind of servile eye contact and experience an earthquake that causes a slight ripple on the skin over the muscles, recognizes its own weakness and agrees to become a victim. " The final vigilante tale is that the young wife, at that moment, not connected with the role of prey but the Wild Woman: requested time to counterattack.
Throughout the book Pinkola Estes, other stories tell of other characters. The inner woman, the woman skeleton the role of anger, the steps of forgiveness, the wild soul, the ugly duckling, the power of the name, the wolf tab ... are just some of the elements that live in the oral tales of this woman gets deep teachings. In elcapítulo talking about anger, the analyst slips a key to go in search of his own Wild Woman. "There comes a time in our lives, usually upon reaching middle age, a woman has to make a decision, possibly the most important decision of his psychic afterlife, and is to feel bitter or not." Have to leave, then, hunting, fishing and conquest on the inside of the same: that they sniff win, rolls of laughter, remove hooves, howling at night and moves the tail is in here.

"Women Who Run with the Wolves" by l a Jungian analyst Clarissa Pinkola Estes, is a collection of myths and folk tales to recreate the myth of the Wild Woman, the force-female that lives in all women when they no longer fear their power.

By Sandra Russo

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Will Plumbing Freeze At 32 Degrees

La Reina (Queen): "The greatest most powerful piece on the board"

The Lady , popularly known as Queen , is the most powerful piece in the game chess due to the scale of moves he can get to make, and the game came to replace the late XV century to another piece less powerful and oldest call Alferza .

They say it was in 1485 when the Queen joined chess piece replaces the hitherto called vizier . This replacement was a kind of feminist initiative promoted by Queen Isabel the Catholic, as is a tendency to praise the role of women, a process that started with Joan of Arc, a few centuries earlier. legend is a pleasant, well-publicized but totally false. The chess queen was not a creation of Isabel the Catholic. Is unthinkable, could never be changed by decree an ancient game that was played, with countless variations all over the known world, from Portugal to Japan. The great revolution that happened was in chess in the fifteenth century in Spain and overlaps the period of the reign of the Catholic Kings. But chess did not emerge in the fifteenth century but is older. What was there before the lady? When the Arabs introduced chess in the Iberian Peninsula, and from there throughout Europe, the board was just like today, with 64 squares, but by the king had a very low figure, as well as male, which called "alferza." This heavy piece is a medieval warrior who just moved one step diagonally, that is almost as strong or as weak as a pawn. All we know is that the queen had not been introduced, the fate of chess would probably have been a very different game, with a board of major proportions (10x10 in 11x10), such as the game has passed ladies. Queen moves with the same movements of the castle or the tower and the bishop or bishop. Is there any relationship between these attributes and the political and religious power was Queen Elizabeth? that meaning has been sought, but in the earliest texts about chess is said that in reality, the Queen has the movements of all parts, except the horse. As stated, the attribution of the introduction of the lady to the Catholic Queen of Castile, is false. Isabel is already well go down in history as the lender of the discovery. No need to become creative the game of chess.
In the Arabic version of chess, which is introduced into Europe through Spain, it was called "lady" to the piece that stood beside the king.
By extending the chess medieval Europe, the name of the piece loses its original meaning, and ends up being called "regina" as a matter of symmetry, being located in the center of the front row, next to the king.
The royal couple would then be surrounded by the four "arms" primitive Indian army, creators of the game: elephants (towers), cars (bishops), horses and infantry (pawns). Four weapons that are a transcript of the four extremities of human beings, and are those that give name to the game, because the word "chess" comes from the Arabic al shadrez "which in turn originates from the Sanskrit" shaturanga ", meaning four (shatur) members (anga). Shatur word is of course also the ancestor of Latin Quator of chetiri Russian, etc ...
Yes, "chess" is primarily the interplay of four parts, as are four cardinal points, as four are the arms of Vishnu, as are four oceans are four faces of Brahma, as four cycles cosmic sun together constitute a single day of Brahma ...
Then, the conversion of alferza in lady is an obvious question, without any particular ideological component other than the fact that the position of women in Christianity was not as marginal as in Islam.
In the Christian world by the king, you usually will be the queen. This is especially obvious when we consider that chess has expanded very quickly between the European medieval nobility and even bought real game range, sponsored and practiced by the kings and queens mismísmos.
can say that the name "Regina" as a synonym of "ferzia", \u200b\u200bie the part that sits beside the king on the board is already for example in an English poem in Latin from the twelfth century, called the "Winchester Poem." It reads:
"Cum Pedest summam venerit usque ad tabulam,
mutetur Nomen eius tunc; appelletur ferzia;
regine eius gratiam obtineat interim."



serious corner in his players

governing the slow parts. The board

the delay till dawn in its severe
area that are hateful colors.

radiate magical severity Inside
forms: Homeric tower , light
horseback, armed queen, last king,
oblique bishop and attacking pawns.

When players are gone,
when time has consumed,
certainly not have ended the rite.

In the East the war went on
which amphitheater the whole earth is today.
As the other, this game is infinite.


Subtle King, bias bishop, fierce
queen, rook and pawn direct Ladino
on the black and white path
searching and fighting their armed campaign.

not know that pointing hand
governs player destination,
not know an adamantine
holds his will and his journey.

The player is imprisoned
(the sentence is Omar) on another board
of dark nights and light days.

God moves the player, and he, the piece.
Which God behind God begins
dust and time and dream and agonies?

Jorge Luis Borges . "Chess"