Letter Emmanuel Rosa Luxemburg and Mathilde Wurm (1906)
Socialism is not precisely a problem knife and fork, but a movement of culture, a great and powerful worldview.
Letter to Franz Mehring Rosa Luxemburg (1916 )
Luksemburgā Rosa Luxemburg or scratches, was a Marxist theory of Jewish origin. Born in 1871, just days before the French workers proclaimed the Commune of Paris. He died just over a year after the conquest of power by the Russian Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. Therefore, his life spanned a large period of history, the five decades that opened with the first rehearsal of socialist revolution and ended with the birth of a new era for humanity. Was active in the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), until 1914se radically opposed to the participation of social democrats in World War I, considering it a "conflict between imperialists." Then joined the international group which in 1916 became the Spartacus League, the Marxist revolutionary group that would be the origin of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). After the war he founded the newspaper The Red Flag, along with fellow German Karl Liebknecht. His best known books, published in Castilian, are Reform or Revolution (1900), The Mass Strike, Party and union (1906), The Accumulation of Capital (1913) and The Russian Revolution (1918), in which he criticizes constructively to itself and argues that the Soviet way of making revolution can not be universalized to all latitudes. He took part in the abortive revolution of 1919 in Berlin even when the uprising took place against their advice. The revolt was quelled by the intervention of the army and the actions of the Free Corps (Freikorps or groups of mercenaries nationalist right), and at the end hundreds of people, including Rosa Luxemburg, were imprisoned, tortured and killed. Both Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht have great symbolic meaning in Marxism. Today, a Sunday in mid-January is celebrated each year in Berlin on the day of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, in memory of the murder of two Communist leaders on 15 January 1919.
Luksemburgā Rosa Luxemburg or scratches, was a Marxist theory of Jewish origin. Born in 1871, just days before the French workers proclaimed the Commune of Paris. He died just over a year after the conquest of power by the Russian Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. Therefore, his life spanned a large period of history, the five decades that opened with the first rehearsal of socialist revolution and ended with the birth of a new era for humanity. Was active in the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), until 1914se radically opposed to the participation of social democrats in World War I, considering it a "conflict between imperialists." Then joined the international group which in 1916 became the Spartacus League, the Marxist revolutionary group that would be the origin of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). After the war he founded the newspaper The Red Flag, along with fellow German Karl Liebknecht. His best known books, published in Castilian, are Reform or Revolution (1900), The Mass Strike, Party and union (1906), The Accumulation of Capital (1913) and The Russian Revolution (1918), in which he criticizes constructively to itself and argues that the Soviet way of making revolution can not be universalized to all latitudes. He took part in the abortive revolution of 1919 in Berlin even when the uprising took place against their advice. The revolt was quelled by the intervention of the army and the actions of the Free Corps (Freikorps or groups of mercenaries nationalist right), and at the end hundreds of people, including Rosa Luxemburg, were imprisoned, tortured and killed. Both Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht have great symbolic meaning in Marxism. Today, a Sunday in mid-January is celebrated each year in Berlin on the day of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, in memory of the murder of two Communist leaders on 15 January 1919.
The resurgence of interest in Rosa Luxemburg in all those who feel part of the range on the left, capitalist and imperialist. When no one remembers the Social Democracy of the leaders of the cynical Stalinism, or of major national-populist rhetoric, the thought of Rosa Luxemburg's theory continues to generate controversy and courting a new generation of militants. His disobedient and rebellious spirit sticks his head covered by a stylish hat, of course, in every manifestation youth against the globalization of markets, imperialist wars and capitalist domination of large firms multinationals on the planet. No one who has blood in his veins and a minimum criterion of independence against the discourses of power can be indifferent to it. Loved and admired by the young and more radical and militant from all over the world, Rosa is still in the XXI century synonymous with rebellion and revolution. These two mischievous ghosts that "the new world order" could not tame. Not with tanks and military invasions and the dictatorship of the TV. Currently, its memory disturbs and challenges the sad propagandizan mediocre meekness with power. The mere memory of her figure causes unbearable discomfort those who attempt to patch up and mend the "excesses" capitalism ... to work better. His devastating criticism of reformism, she mercilessly stigmatized Reform or Revolution and the Social Crisis "leave no puppet head. They are certainly one of the most enduring of his theoretical reflections. Again to breathe the fresh air of his writings can admire the immense ethical stature that she understood, proclaimed, played and lived the global cause of socialism. An ethics incorruptible, not left to buy or put any price. In addition to contest and fight passionately reformism in all its aspects, Rosa was also a hard contesting authoritarian socialism. http://www.rebelion.org/docs/17281.pdf
"Rosa Luxemburg, international figure and intellectual figure and dynamic, also had a prominent position in German socialism. He looked and she was respected in his dual capacity for action and for thought, for the implementation and theory. At the same time, Rosa Luxemburg was a brain and an arm of the German proletariat. "
José Carlos Mariategui "German Revolution" (July 20, 1923)
José Carlos Mariategui "German Revolution" (July 20, 1923)

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