regine eius gratiam obtineat interim."
serious corner in his players
governing the slow parts. The board
the delay till dawn in its severe
area that are hateful colors.
radiate magical severity Inside
forms: Homeric tower , light
horseback, armed queen, last king,
oblique bishop and attacking pawns.
When players are gone,
when time has consumed,
certainly not have ended the rite.
In the East the war went on
which amphitheater the whole earth is today.
As the other, this game is infinite.
Subtle King, bias bishop, fierce
queen, rook and pawn direct Ladino
on the black and white path
searching and fighting their armed campaign.
not know that pointing hand
governs player destination,
not know an adamantine
holds his will and his journey.
The player is imprisoned
(the sentence is Omar) on another board
of dark nights and light days.
God moves the player, and he, the piece.
Which God behind God begins
dust and time and dream and agonies?
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