Sunday, August 22, 2010

Will Plumbing Freeze At 32 Degrees

La Reina (Queen): "The greatest most powerful piece on the board"

The Lady , popularly known as Queen , is the most powerful piece in the game chess due to the scale of moves he can get to make, and the game came to replace the late XV century to another piece less powerful and oldest call Alferza .

They say it was in 1485 when the Queen joined chess piece replaces the hitherto called vizier . This replacement was a kind of feminist initiative promoted by Queen Isabel the Catholic, as is a tendency to praise the role of women, a process that started with Joan of Arc, a few centuries earlier. legend is a pleasant, well-publicized but totally false. The chess queen was not a creation of Isabel the Catholic. Is unthinkable, could never be changed by decree an ancient game that was played, with countless variations all over the known world, from Portugal to Japan. The great revolution that happened was in chess in the fifteenth century in Spain and overlaps the period of the reign of the Catholic Kings. But chess did not emerge in the fifteenth century but is older. What was there before the lady? When the Arabs introduced chess in the Iberian Peninsula, and from there throughout Europe, the board was just like today, with 64 squares, but by the king had a very low figure, as well as male, which called "alferza." This heavy piece is a medieval warrior who just moved one step diagonally, that is almost as strong or as weak as a pawn. All we know is that the queen had not been introduced, the fate of chess would probably have been a very different game, with a board of major proportions (10x10 in 11x10), such as the game has passed ladies. Queen moves with the same movements of the castle or the tower and the bishop or bishop. Is there any relationship between these attributes and the political and religious power was Queen Elizabeth? that meaning has been sought, but in the earliest texts about chess is said that in reality, the Queen has the movements of all parts, except the horse. As stated, the attribution of the introduction of the lady to the Catholic Queen of Castile, is false. Isabel is already well go down in history as the lender of the discovery. No need to become creative the game of chess.
In the Arabic version of chess, which is introduced into Europe through Spain, it was called "lady" to the piece that stood beside the king.
By extending the chess medieval Europe, the name of the piece loses its original meaning, and ends up being called "regina" as a matter of symmetry, being located in the center of the front row, next to the king.
The royal couple would then be surrounded by the four "arms" primitive Indian army, creators of the game: elephants (towers), cars (bishops), horses and infantry (pawns). Four weapons that are a transcript of the four extremities of human beings, and are those that give name to the game, because the word "chess" comes from the Arabic al shadrez "which in turn originates from the Sanskrit" shaturanga ", meaning four (shatur) members (anga). Shatur word is of course also the ancestor of Latin Quator of chetiri Russian, etc ...
Yes, "chess" is primarily the interplay of four parts, as are four cardinal points, as four are the arms of Vishnu, as are four oceans are four faces of Brahma, as four cycles cosmic sun together constitute a single day of Brahma ...
Then, the conversion of alferza in lady is an obvious question, without any particular ideological component other than the fact that the position of women in Christianity was not as marginal as in Islam.
In the Christian world by the king, you usually will be the queen. This is especially obvious when we consider that chess has expanded very quickly between the European medieval nobility and even bought real game range, sponsored and practiced by the kings and queens mismísmos.
can say that the name "Regina" as a synonym of "ferzia", \u200b\u200bie the part that sits beside the king on the board is already for example in an English poem in Latin from the twelfth century, called the "Winchester Poem." It reads:
"Cum Pedest summam venerit usque ad tabulam,
mutetur Nomen eius tunc; appelletur ferzia;
regine eius gratiam obtineat interim."



serious corner in his players

governing the slow parts. The board

the delay till dawn in its severe
area that are hateful colors.

radiate magical severity Inside
forms: Homeric tower , light
horseback, armed queen, last king,
oblique bishop and attacking pawns.

When players are gone,
when time has consumed,
certainly not have ended the rite.

In the East the war went on
which amphitheater the whole earth is today.
As the other, this game is infinite.


Subtle King, bias bishop, fierce
queen, rook and pawn direct Ladino
on the black and white path
searching and fighting their armed campaign.

not know that pointing hand
governs player destination,
not know an adamantine
holds his will and his journey.

The player is imprisoned
(the sentence is Omar) on another board
of dark nights and light days.

God moves the player, and he, the piece.
Which God behind God begins
dust and time and dream and agonies?

Jorge Luis Borges . "Chess"


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