"Beauty philosopher Plato was a victim of its goodwill. It was a clear pagan martyr, sacrificed by Christian fanatics, wiry and ferocious, to which church power offered a scandalous impunity . A great example of viciousness and intolerance triumphant in a time of rare historical reflections, and echoes other times curious . "
Photo: Hypatia, 1509 Raphael fresco
not only the gruesome details of the crime, but also the apparent impunity with which the murderers have made death Hypatia enduring historical scandal. The incident happened on the illustrated event city of Alexandria in 415. A crowd of monks came from the wilderness near either indoctrinated by Bishop Cyril -the scheming, devious and jealous patriarch of the city would later be sanctified by pious merit, "stormed in full day at the prestigious philosopher, brutally beaten, dragged into the interior of a church, stripped naked and already dead, dismembered tearing their flesh with sharp stones and then burned her remains in a bonfire to erase his memory. As if a victim burnt offerings to a god barbarian ritual human sacrifice ferocity. The testimonies we have retained about Hypatia we come from some church historians, as Philostorgius and Socrates Scholastic , that some twenty years after the crime does not hide unpleasantness of the event, and the Neoplatonic Damascius , who wrote half a century later and far more than hearsay. We also have some affectionate allusions to Hypatia in the letters of Silesio of Cyrene , who had been a student and admirer of the philosopher of Alexandria, before reaching the bishop in his hometown.
All agreed to note that Hypatia , Daughter of a famous mathematician Alexandrian Theon , noted for his knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, and who enjoyed great prestige for its public lectures on texts of Plato and Aristotle . It was, therefore, worthy heir of the scientific tradition of the Museum, and the couple, famous teacher, who commented that he did not know to what degree of originality and texts doctrine of Plato . It was part of that elite pagan remained faithful to the ancient beliefs and watched over the classical legacy in a city and an empire conquered by Christianity.
The Christian reaction was choking the remnants of pagan intelligence, and had already shown their intolerance repeatedly. The famous temple of Serapis, the Serapeum , it was glory and symbol of the city of Alejandro , was looted and burned in 391.
The Christian reaction was choking the remnants of pagan intelligence, and had already shown their intolerance repeatedly. The famous temple of Serapis, the Serapeum , it was glory and symbol of the city of Alejandro , was looted and burned in 391.
The die was cast. Although some pagans illusion even remembering the years of Emperor Juliano , a sad end, and some were distracted watching the dissensions of the Catholic church with its jumble of heresies tumultuous history in this scenario resonates Hypatia's death is a funeral bell.
was pagan philosopher, but not overtly fighting against Christianity (and other militants Neoplatonists). She was a woman of great prestige for its science, but also by their morality and character. That was beautiful and unspoiled, and tolerant breed, increasing its prestige. Maintained good relations with the prefect of the city, Orestes (who had also been subject to attack monks fans, used by Cyril as shock troops), and that made influential and admired and requested to untie the jealousy and envy of the clergy. It was therefore decided his disposal and was carried out so horribly that execution issue.
Although there were good studies on this learned martyr figure of paganism, is an important novelty, the appearance of a book like Gemma Beretta, Ipazia d'Alessandria, which examines all the historical evidence, critically nuanced considerations of other scholars on the intellectual significance of Hypatia and their contributions to astronomy and mathematics, revaluing positively its role as the last link of the scientific tradition of the Museum, and proposes a new interpretation of the figure, code-feminist. .
The same details of the murder, in which Hypatia is treated as a scapegoat, like King Pentheus in the Bacchae of Euripides - slain on or near an altar, carved up by the clutches of the monks, metal utensils or knives, but with sharp shells and bricks, and then thrown into the fire to pieces, in a ritual sacrifice, all that evokes a fiercely religious and not political. The symbolism of the figure of the philosopher virgin and martyr emphasizing the femininity of mythical figures such as Dike, Justice, and the Virgin Mary herself in Christianity, suggests that Hypatia died sacrificed in the power struggle of his time for their essential womanhood. The emphasis is thus shifted from its status as pagan philosopher, the prestigious woman with political authority. In Hypatia gave one and the other, but what was most instrumental in attracting the death is controversial.
Although there were good studies on this learned martyr figure of paganism, is an important novelty, the appearance of a book like Gemma Beretta, Ipazia d'Alessandria, which examines all the historical evidence, critically nuanced considerations of other scholars on the intellectual significance of Hypatia and their contributions to astronomy and mathematics, revaluing positively its role as the last link of the scientific tradition of the Museum, and proposes a new interpretation of the figure, code-feminist. .
The same details of the murder, in which Hypatia is treated as a scapegoat, like King Pentheus in the Bacchae of Euripides - slain on or near an altar, carved up by the clutches of the monks, metal utensils or knives, but with sharp shells and bricks, and then thrown into the fire to pieces, in a ritual sacrifice, all that evokes a fiercely religious and not political. The symbolism of the figure of the philosopher virgin and martyr emphasizing the femininity of mythical figures such as Dike, Justice, and the Virgin Mary herself in Christianity, suggests that Hypatia died sacrificed in the power struggle of his time for their essential womanhood. The emphasis is thus shifted from its status as pagan philosopher, the prestigious woman with political authority. In Hypatia gave one and the other, but what was most instrumental in attracting the death is controversial.
Hypatia ( Alexandria , 355 - 415 ) was a philosopher and teacher Neoplatonic Greek natural Egypt , that excelled in the fields of Math and astronomy , member and leader of the Neoplatonic School of Alexandria early V century . follower Plotinus , cultivated logical studies and sciences, leading a life ascetic . Trained a select school of pagan and Christian aristocrats who occupied senior positions, among them Bishop Synesius , Hesychius of Alexandria and Orestes , prefect Egypt at the time of his death. Daughter and disciple of the astronomer Theon , Hypatia is the first woman mathematics knowledge that we have a reasonably safe and detailed. Wrote on geometry , algebra and astronomy , improved the design of the original astrolabes -tools for determining the positions of stars on the sky, and invented a hydrometer .
"Now," A lejandro Amenábar
Agora , film English directed by Alejandro Amenabar released in Spain October 9 2009 is a blockbuster in the aesthetic, but a blockbuster more ethically. B roasted Carl Sagan and his book "Cosmos" . Sagan speaks of Hypatia as the heroine of positivism against religious fundamentalism. Observatory Religious Defamation protested against the film for "promoting hatred of Christians and the reinforcement of false platitudes about the Catholic Church." The film initially had trouble finding distributors U.S. and Italy , possibly anti-Christian character attached to it, but finally found distributors in both countries. was censored Egypt for "insulting religion."

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