Monday, August 30, 2010

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The misogyny of Greek μισογυνία ' hate to woman 'is the aversion or hatred of women or the tendency ideological or psychological is to despise women as sex and considered it all female . L to misogyny is present in the fundamental myths of all cultures.

Some times from several civilizations have been more misogynistic than others, but the root of modern misogyny is twofold: on one hand, Greek, through myths like Pandora and highly symbolic female monsters as Sirens the Harpies , Scylla and Charybdis or Sphinx , or philosophers like Aristotle , who wrote that women were biologically inferior to men, and on the other hand, the Semitic tradition contained in the Bible , who considered women inferior to men because of original sin of Eva and divine punishment:

The woman said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, and your desire will be for your husband and he shall rule over thee. And the man said: Because you have heeded the voice of your wife and ate from the tree that I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground because of you, with sorrow shalt thou eat of it every day of your life.
1.Hay a good principle which created order, light and man, and an evil principle which created chaos, darkness and woman. (Pythagoras)
female is female by virtue of a certain lack of qualities. (Aristotle) \u200b\u200b
women, much as in them is pursued, no interior, no more than masks. You have to pity the man who abandons these ghostly beings almost necessarily unable to meet (Friedrich Nietzsche)
4. It is understood as women understand the language of birds: by intuition or in any way. (Henry Amiel)
go with women, do not forget the whip. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
woman is, admittedly, an animal inept and stupid but nice and funny. (Erasmus of Rotterdam) 7.The
secret of the soul of women is lack of it at all. (Jardiel Poncela)
women, being weaker, are forced to depend not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive hypocrisy and unchanging tendency to lie. So the hypocrisy is inherent in women and is found in women as in the clever silly. (Arthur Schopenhauer) 9.A
kindly stupid woman is a blessing sky. (Voltire)
10.No no mantle or skirt that feels worse the woman or the girl that wants to be wise. (Martin Luther)
woman represents a kind of layer between the child and man. (A. Schopenhauer)
12.No consent for a woman to teach or to dominate the husband, but remain silent .. (San Pablo)
woman is bad. Each time you present the opportunity, every woman will sin. (Buddha) 14.When
women love us, forgive us everything, even our crimes, if not love us, do not give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues. (Honore de Balzac)
15.La big question that never has been answered and which I still can not answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is: what does a woman want? (Sigmund Freud)
16.La silliest woman can handle an intelligent man, but it must be very clever woman to manage a fool. (Rudyard Kipling)
17.Si want women to follow you, get ahead. (Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas)
18.Hay so many beautiful women, but no perfect. (Victor Hugo)
19.The first compared to women with a flower, was a poet, the second a fool. (Voltaire)
woman is like a shadow, if you flee, still, if you still runs. (Chamfort)
woman is a vulgar animal from which man has made a very beautiful ideal. (Gustave Flaubert)
woman would be lovely if one could fall into her arms without falling into their hands. (Ambrose Bierce)
woman, the devil only knows what it is, I do not know at all. (Fyodor Dostoevsky) 24.The
battles are the only women who make their escape. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
25.Cualquiera who says they can see through women is missing a lot of things. (Groucho Marx)
women 26.The love is always mixed with involuntary admiration, and stops when creating convinced that man is inferior. (Friedrich Hebbel)
27. Why withered flower? Wilted flower because I hugged her close to my heart, so the flower withered. (Rabindranath Tagore)
28.Un man can be happy with any woman, while not love. (Oscar Wilde)

allocation to women in subordinate roles to men, without assessing their training for the tasks assumed by men, clashed with the feminist movements of the late nineteenth century, which led to a redefinition of the sexes a new complaint of women, in large measure linked to the problems of bourgeois women to leave home for defend their way into the public sphere, as well as the existence of the suffragette movement and the new moral currents critics say the traditional family and the right to enjoy. Is already in the twentieth century, after getting the female vote, when in the hands of the sexual revolution and slogans such as "abolition of patriarchy" and "the personal is political ', women come out of the hole that remained for centuries. Public opinion emerges the struggle for equality and equal society attractive, still a distant utopia.




in Hesiod Works and Days puts the figure of Pandora before the advent of modern men. As it was she who brought the work, shadow, sin, pain and death we place upon arrival in the Golden Age, Pandora is the degradation of humanity. Men of the Golden Age of live carefree, never worked and died in a sweet dream that waking up in the Elysian fields. Pandora arises between them as being clearly superior and the best qualities of the Olympians, who have given themselves.


Hermes forged Pandora's chest lies, false words and curiosity. And it is this seed that leads him to open the cash given to Epimetheus in which they had locked the misfortunes of mankind. This coincidence intercultural reflects the thinking of companies they see as dangerous by the fact that women's access to knowledge because it perverts nature's wisdom.


The myth radiates a strong aversion to women, especially the role it has in relationships with men and how they drive. Interestingly, however, joined in this rejection is supported on the male female superiority. Pandora stands as an elixir of the gods and men, adorned with the qualities of the immortals. These presentations for the role that these cultures retain relegated to women. Demonstrations are defined and relegate ancestral women evil beings.


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