matriarchal society is a term applied to forms ginecocráticas society, in which the role of leadership and power is exercised by women and especially mothers of a community; matriarch derived from the Greek mater or mother and archein ( ark ) or reign , governor r .
is said that the passage of matriarchy to patriarchy was a key turning point when man discovered that he, with the sperm, which fertilize the woman was, therefore, father of the creature. A fact well known to every mortal today was a revelation (perhaps greater than that of fire) in prehistoric times. That man could stand as indispensable as far as reproduction is concerned, he began to become aware of the need to ensure their paternity. The worship of female fertility left side, beginning of civilization. The progress of culture has never been easy. From the Hittites to the use of iron, to the U.S. with the invention of the atomic bomb, human progress has been intrinsically correlated with the war industry. The establishment of patriarchy, scholars agree, marked the emergence of social order, the rules of law, private property, state, and also slavery.
Very synthetically, because it can be said the evolution of culture in historical times has been characterized by the step from matriarchy to patriarchy, the change in fertility cult by the "cult of war." That said, it goes without saying that the element "matriarchal" has not been completely eliminated, and is much more present in our culture than we imagine. Cults like the Egyptians to Osiris, or even the Christian worship to the resurrection of the Son of God, no longer related to "the cyclical, with the cycle of life and fertility cult.
The matrifocal
An investigation into the religious and legal nature of matriarchy in the ancient world, the theory of Johann Bachofen (1861) introduced a radically new vision of the role of women in a wide range of ancient societies. Through his research set out to prove that motherhood is the source of human society, religion, morality, and decorum, writing about the ancient societies of Lycia, Crete, Greece, Egypt, India, central Asia, North Africa and Spain. Concluded the work by connecting the archaic law of the mother with the Christian veneration of the Virgin Mary. Proposed four stages of cultural evolution presumably passed:
-A phase 'telluric', nomadic and wild courtesans, characterized him as communism and polyamory. The predominant deity would have been a proto-Aphrodite earthly
-A phase "lunar" matrifocal based on agriculture, characterized by the appearance of chthonic mystery cults and the law. The predominant deity would have been an early Demeter.
- A phase in which the traditions have been masculinized, the Dionysian, to the extent that patriarchy began to emerge. The predominant deity, the original Dionysus.
-phase "solar" patriarchal, the Apollonian, in which all trace of society and passes matrifocal do Dionysian was suppressed and modern civilization arose.
Bachofen, creator of the theory of matriarchy, the famous "Muterrecht" was picked up by key thinkers of our culture from various fields of study: from Engels to Freud and by anthropologists such as Malinowski , Durckheim and the French School, Mircea Eliade , etc. He was also taken up by the early Frankfurt School ( E. Fromm , for example), by the Circle were, on the great mythologist Joseph Campbell , and was the subject of attention and open admiration of the English philosopher José Ortega y Gasset , among others.
F riedrich Engels:
U sheet describes a Bachofen for his "Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State. " Engels concluded in his work mentioned that:
-man originally lived in a state of sexual promiscuity, to describe which Bachofen use the misnomer of "courtesans";
-such promiscuity excludes any certainty of paternity, and that could therefore trace the relationship only in the female line, as the matriarch, and that it was originally the case amongst all peoples of antiquity;
-from women as mothers, were the only parents of the younger generation that were known with certainty, she held a position of such high respect and honor that became the foundation in the concept of Bachofen, a regular rule of women (gynaecocracy)
-the transition to monogamy, which the woman belongs to one man, involved a violation of a primitive religious law (ie, actually a violation of traditional rights of other men to this woman), and to expiate this violation or to purchase indulgence for it, she had to surrender herself for a limited period. (Friedrich Engels, 1891).
Traditionally when he takes issue with the Status of Women, is an almost instantaneous lock her in the term family, there to talk about the family role, referring to work domestic woman who has made exclusively for centuries, but in reality has not always been well. The family is an institution that is of historical nature, and has undergone several transformations in the evolution of society. In the primitive community, the woman has a fundamental role, and the descent is marked by the mother, and that was the only accurate because every woman knew what their children more however, all children of women in a community are common children, this situation stems from the fact that it was not possible to know who the father was, and they were also parents of all children, this is the way marriages are seen in groups. The Matriarchy, typical of this period historical, may be defined as a system in which the woman has a major social function for the development of the community, not exercising supremacy over man, not because it was who was in charge of the inner workings of the community (error common which usually falls to define matriarchy) but because of natural right social position of both sexes was determined according to skills, for example, an old man could no longer pursue collection efforts, and young woman, could perfectly ensure the livelihood of the community without the risk of exhausting work and charges .. It can be stated, taking into account the conditions of the time, the distribution task was done "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs", added further to the estimated social position occupied by women, hence also called at this period primitive communism. However, the break that gives to strip women of the privileged position it occupied in the early community, in the words of F. Engels was the historic defeat of the female in the world ", is determined by the appearance of private property and thus the division of society into antagonistic social classes (hence this is the source of the oppression woman). Such influence is explained by the fact that although the matriarchy, the offspring, and thus the inheritance is established through the mother, the need to establish conditions to ensure that inheritance now be marked on the paternal, and he was the man who had managed to accumulate wealth, and these required the enslavement of women, as a guarantee of that succession. Such is the connotation of what family really means that the origin of its name famulus means domestic slave (F. Engels. The origin of the Family, Private Property and the State), and certainly comes family to represent the set of slaves (children, slaves themselves, and basically women) belonging to a man. Then comes the Patriarchate, which can be defined as "an ideological system, economic and social, that is institutionalized male supremacy."
Patriarchy still in force, exerted by the moral bourgeois ideological hegemony holds indisputable that the woman evaded, then, he has built on a system of gender (social construct that assigns certain duties as born male or female, and that the sex difference in origin, since the latter is biological in nature and the first cultural character), it has developed, and maintained the domination against women. The economic character of the Patriarchate, is determined not only by their origin which has deep economic roots, but also because it keeps women on proper relations of slavery which are determined mainly by the unpaid work carried out exclusively at home women . This in turn establishes its social character, which has confined women to the private setting and thus the entire load and activities in this area are undertaken and has no economic value to assign to turn the man as own, the public sphere, allowing further development of his personality (within reason), and create a chain dependency relationship is summarized in the operator (capitalist) - exploited (worker), and reproduced in the micro family life, as an economic unit of society, under the formula: laborer operator - exploited working women. can not speak of drastic changes, because it is undisputed historical process of transition from one form or another, they were adding items and eventually to monogamy, even dominant system, but also subject to transformation (which necessarily must be profound), if society as a whole, is progressing at a training system or economic - social superior. This does not exclude, not realize that this difficult process and in turn deepen the imperialist hegemony, it may even regress in this structure is sustained, par excellence, class society and its philosophy, and as has been observed in the imperial ideological onslaught, clear sign of the coveted throwback to the operators want us to submit as far as women's rights are concerned. Monogamy is the guarantee that the heritage handed down father - child is reliable and indisputable, because the home becomes a cage castrating women, and with the laws guarantee the fidelity of women. It represents, then the title women, on which are woven a series of unequal relations and Marx: " contains in germ not only slavery (servitus), but the easement ... Contains, in miniature, all the antagonisms which later develop in society and in his State . signs and remnants are very precise about it, it says Engels in the work cited above, and are living expression the backwardness of the society about it. For example, when questioned by the Napoleonic Code in its article 312, which stated: " The child conceived during marriage is father to the husband . It is no accident that in the past, divorce rights, would be inconceivable, and that female infidelity was punished even with death, while the man set simultaneous relationships with a number of women. Likewise, infanticide of girls was common by the hope of securing a long-awaited successor in future come into possession of the estate of his father.
Engels says: "The first division of labor is the one made between men and women for the procreation of children. And today I can add: the first class antagonism that appeared in history coincides with the development of the antagonism between men and women in monogamy, and the first class oppression with that of the female sex by the male ".
Monogamy is therefore an economic relationship that has produced two phenomena associated with it, adultery, punishable until recently mainly for women, and occurs precisely because it is not the union of two persons exercising freely their love, but the maintenance of economic relations that sustain it. On the other hand Prostitution, which masks the spiritual needs of a relationship based on interests and reinforces monogamy and patriarchy to the extent that it infringes the status of women. Prostitution is a relationship that enslaves women, the product in the monogamous family man is the subject of history.
Finally Engels said: " As the means of production to become common property, the individual family ceases to be the economic unit of society. The domestic economy will become a social issue, the care and upbringing of children, too. The company will take care with the same care for all children, whether legitimate or natural. So the fear will disappear "the consequences", which is today the most important social occasion both moral point of view and from the economic point of view to prevent a single woman delivered freely man she loves. " The family is therefore the most intimate expression of social relations determined by private property.
"I am the natural mother of all things, mistress and guide of all the elements, progeny first of all worlds, the first among the divine powers, Queen of Hell, Lady of the inhabitants of the heavens, my features are conjugated in all gods and goddesses. I own my will of the planets in the sky, the winds of the seas healthy and mournful silence of the underworld, my name, my divinity is adored throughout the world in various forms, with different rituals and countless names. The Phrygians, the first born of all men, they call me mother Pesinunte gods, the Athenians, born of his own soil, Minerva Cecropiana ; the Cypriots, who bathes the sea, Venus Pafiana, the Cretans, carrying arrows, Diana Dictina, the Sicilian speak three languages, Proserpina Infernal, the inhabitants of Eleusis, the ancient goddess Ceres (...) and the Egyptians, who are knowledgeable of all the ancient knowledge and worship me with their peculiar rites, call me by my real name, Queen Isis . "
Fragment: The Golden Ass of Apuleius

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